Should I Flash To Windups? Or Keep The Original?


Still Fresh
Nov 16, 2003
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does anyone reccomend flashing my firmware to windups or anything else? or is it a bad idea? also if i change my mind after flashing, can i go back? also in windups can i establish a PC link up?


EDIT: also can I just use a normal gif for my background or does it have to be specially made?
yeah u can go back if u do not like it.

personaly i hate wind-ups, and yeah u can get a pc-link program for ur gp32 to run on wind-ups.
There's no need to flash your firmware if you are happy with your GP32 the way it is. If however you want to be able to change the look and feel (background, icons, no more need for freelauncher etc) of your GP32 you might consider using multifirmware.

You can save your original firmware first (just follow the firmware flashing faq) but there isn't really a need to go back: multifirmware includes official software (Spiv's has the original, Aquafish uses the Euro firmware). You can select what type of firmware you want to use.

You can download a seperate pclink.fxe to run within Wind-ups to establish a connection.
Spiv's MultiFW2 is the best. Ever. I flashed it in order to use Wind-Ups, but now use Pacrom as it's easier. MultiFW2 also has the original Gamepark firmware built-in.
Basicly the biggest differences between Spiv's and Aquafish multifirmware are:
Spiv: - uses original firmware, Wind-ups, Pacrom and a pclink version

Aquafish: -uses Euro-firmware, Wind-ups and Pacrom
-option to use boot.ini-files so you can use different firmware for different SMC-cards.
-was slower than Spiv's but this should be fixed in the newest version.

I have used both and now use Aquafish because I like having different firmware loaded automaticly for different SMC's (Euro for my commercial games and MP3 player, Wind-ups for my emulation SMC)
uh...This is Mr.Spivs site right?

Because I just saw this in the news section:

Some bad(?) news folks.. I'll be shutting down the "dead firmware reflashing" service. Be careful out there when you flash.. Already agreed on "orders" will be handled of course.

If there's no one offering repairs for bad flashes I'm pretty sure this is going to keep me from doing ANY flashing (maybe even including official update... if there IS any) just to be on the safe side. :blink:
i hope mr. Spiv will do a tutorial or something abou how to build the cable he uses so we can fix it ourselfes (i dont need it, im happy with aquas fw 3.0)