Should I be worried?


Tales From The Big Room
Jan 1, 2004
Essex, England
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Something strange is happening with my GP32. It's now occured twice.

Running at 156mhz, I was playing on OpenSnes, Gradius III. Running absolutely perfectly. Yet, all of a sudden, the screen turned into garbage for a split second, and my screen got completely misaligned. Like it had been pushed up, and to the left. The bottom right corner was now in the middle of the screen, and what was supposed to be the top left, is now directly underneath it.

Getting scared, I turned it off and turned it back on again. Everything worked perfectly fine for the rest of the day, though I was somewhat reluctant to use it.

The same thing happened again this morning with Doom II, but running at 133mhz. Once again, rebooted and it worked perfectly fine.

Should I be worried?
I have the same problem with Opensnes too, so does everyone else I believe. Just go to the control panel (or GUI I believe) while playing (start+select) and then return to your game. Should be OK then :)

Doom I don't know...
no need to be worried, this happens to my gp32 with opensnes and it also happens with any f emu, like FGEN, FSMS. just go to the options and then your fine.
Yeah happens to every1..... I think it has something to do with "tripple buffering"??? i dont no. i have not much experience in tht sort of thing :huh: ....
I've had this problem with fSMS32.
Usually I just go into the video submenu and toggle the stretching to a diffrent ratio and it fixes it

but I haven't noticed it on anything else
Is a known bug. Think it's something to do with a bug in the graphics rendering on some emus - also happens on Doom if I remember correctly (??

On most enus, you can just go into the options menu (i.e. shoulder buttons on opensnes9x) and back out to cure it.
You Should be VERY Worried if that happens...

Just Joking :lol: :P :D B) :rolleyes:
Got it also, worried me the first time it happened, but a quick hold down of SELECT to go into the options fixed the screen, so I just resumed and carried on playing, assuming a bug in the emulator.
Just happened on Doom again. :blink:

Is there nothing you can do on Doom that will reset the image? It's irritating 'cause then I have to save and quit.
I'm not sure n this one but i i think it's a double buffering bug of some sort. Turning Doubel buffering off should fix this but not all emu's have this option.
Anyway i prefer to play with Double buffering on it's much better and i can live with one small bug :D
i dont know about doom, but the same thing happens t me with the emulators, but thatnks to this post, now i no whut to do :D
Yeah its happened to me twice, ive been scared to play games ever since but now that I know all I have to do is open the options, I dont need to be worried anymore
Seems like it happens with some GP32s more than others? It happens to me a lot on OSnes9xGP, but it has only happened once in doom...