Shipping time to Sweden?


May 21, 2006
Luleå, Sweden
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Has anyone from Sweden received their Pandora via Airmail, and if so how long did it take?

I have some experience of ordering from UK(Amazon) and those times has always taken over well over 1½ week for the items to show up from the time they were sent.

I don't think I'll be able to keep my sanity for that long knowing my Pandora is on its way to me :P

Yeah, I know... what's two weeks when you have been waiting for over 2 years?
Huh, what do you mean :huh:
couldnt say,not being from sweden and all.But your timeline could be about right.Im waiting on mine to return from repairs at the moment.Its a lovely device anyhow.Worth the wait. :)Dunno what protoman is referring to.
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Huh, what do you mean :huh:

Perhaps I should be a bit more specific. The project, unlike what you might be thinking, is NOT failing. It's moving along. Slowly, but surely. About 300 a week (by the standards of large companies, that's slow). You say you've been waiting over two years, thus implying that you ordered on or near the first day. If that's the case, you might get your e-mail within a month, probably less.
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Where in my post did I imply that I thought the project was failing?

Dont let my postcount fool you, I check the boards daily(both of them). I am aware how everything finnaly is flowing along nicely.

I did order on the first day so I guess my orders should be sent in the coming week(s). Its getting close! Suddenly the thought of paying 25 bucks more to assure I don't have to wait 2 extra weeks sounds like a fair deal. Also some people say things get lost by royal mail.

Edit: The reason I'm asking is a lot of people(on the web) claim that shipping from uk to Sweden usually takes a maximum of 5 (working) days and that I can live with. I rather not send another email to gbax and bother them as I am sure they are busy as it is.
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Yes, unfortunately we do have a king. Why we still do is beyond me as all he seem to do is cost tax money and once in a while provide a bit of unintentional comedy.
Hejsan, din gamle republikan :)

I got my email on a tuesday and the actual pandora on the friday after, i.e. three days. That is quite OK :-) but I had UPS shipping. On the other hand, I can't remember ordering that specifically - it just happened. Are you sure it won't come with UPS anyhow?

On the third hand, shipping by ordinary mail means the box arrives at your local postombud where you can pick it up at your leisure. UPS is all like "No, you have to be home and sign for your package. No, we can't tell you when we will arrive, except that it will be between 9 and 19."

I think you're being too harsh on dear old Cal Gustf. I mean, state financed comedy - That's cool, eh? :)
At least Norway don't have a new nazi party (Sverigedemokratene)

No, Norway has an old nazi party instead (Fremskrittspartiet) :D
Hey, foreigners can stay in this land as long as they like.

But we want our papers first!

Fair and square!



Hmm, seems this thread derailed a bit.

Back on topic: This is now a non issue I guess as I got my order dispatched mail today. Didn't have time to switch to ups. Oh well.

Also on related topic: YAY! :)


I got my email on a tuesday and the actual pandora on the friday after, i.e. three days. That is quite OK :-) but I had UPS shipping. On the other hand, I can't remember ordering that specifically - it just happened. Are you sure it won't come with UPS anyhow?
Did it say in the email that they were sending it by UPS or was it like a surprise? My email only said that they were dispatching it today, nothing more.
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