To prevent scrolling 30 items, a quick solution is naming your test directory AAA and it will be the first in the list. Besides, you can use GMenu2x and categorize games in your own way.
That particular line means "add these two directories to LD_LIBRARY PATH". If you write just: LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$JAMVM/sdl
JAMVM_CP/lib/classpath, you will lose the original contents of LD_LIBRARY_PATH, if any. It is save to use that sentence even if LD_LIBRARY_PATH was originally empty.
By the way, LD_LIBRARY_PATH holds the directories to search for dynamic libraries (DLLs in Windows) Since you want to prioritize libraries in JAMVM over system libraries, you add the original LD_LIBRARY_PATH
to the end of the new variable.
Thank you very much. It makes sense now.
I dumped the contents of the var; it was really, really long. It's safe to say it doesn't get cleared; it just keeps adding on to the front.
Anyway, my new java launcher script appears to work from any dir; I successfully ran a jar file that wrote some text to a text file on my F200.
It also avoids that annoying second java launcher; just goes right into the app!
Oh, and it restores the LD_LIBRARY_PATH var on exit. :lol:
Once I clean up some stuff, and determine if I messed anything up, I'll post it. More testing tomorrow!