Setting up Code::Blocks to cross-compile in Ubuntu

Manly Stump said:
Well I'm trying to get my own machine to be able to compile Pandora builds.

That's exactly what the guide shows you how to do :)

If you only want Pandora builds then it doesn't matter if your machine is 64bit.

*edit* typo/clarification
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Unfathomable Depths said:
Manly Stump said:
Well I'm trying to get my own machine to be able to compile Pandora builds.

That's exactly what the guide shows you how to do :)

If you only want Pandora builds then it doesn't matter if your machine is 64bit.

*edit* typo/clarification

Thanks for clarifying that. As I'm sure you can tell I'm completely naïve on this subject. My Ubuntu installation is actually via Wubi, so I guess it wouldn't be too difficult to scrap the whole operating system and start again from scratch if need be. Ah well :( Thanks for the assistance.
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PM sent. Just repeating the gist of the PM to maybe help some other people having similar problems.

Try uninstalling Ubuntu and starting from scratch. You said you changed some things. What did you change?
I've done this twice now - once from a Wubi install and once from a LiveCD install and both times it worked as expected.
Unfathomable Depths said:
PM sent. Just repeating the gist of the PM to maybe help some other people having similar problems.

Try uninstalling Ubuntu and starting from scratch. You said you changed some things. What did you change?
I've done this twice now - once from a Wubi install and once from a LiveCD install and both times it worked as expected.

Sorry for the delay. I've just formatted my entire hard drive and reinstalled Windows, and I've reinstalled a fresh version of Wubi, so I'll aim to give this another attempt with the complete fresh install over this weekend. I'll let you know how it works out.
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Manly Stump said:
Unfathomable Depths said:
PM sent. Just repeating the gist of the PM to maybe help some other people having similar problems.

Try uninstalling Ubuntu and starting from scratch. You said you changed some things. What did you change?
I've done this twice now - once from a Wubi install and once from a LiveCD install and both times it worked as expected.

Sorry for the delay. I've just formatted my entire hard drive and reinstalled Windows, and I've reinstalled a fresh version of Wubi, so I'll aim to give this another attempt with the complete fresh install over this weekend. I'll let you know how it works out.

Right, I tried again this evening. The Angstrom repository was down again, so I used the file you linked to from Google Code. After that ran fine, but the very last line from the output said "./ 95: source: not found"

So then I ran the file. There was so much outputted from that and everything moved so fast I couldn't see if there were any errors early on in the process, but it seemed to finish successfully and said "All done" at the end.

Then I installed Code::Blocks, followed all your instructions on creating the Pandora, created a new Console Application project and tried to build. I get a totally different error this time: "/bin/sh: arm-none-linux-gnueabi-g++: not found"

Any clues?
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Ai ai ai! Using the terminal I have now managed to compile a "hello world" c file using the arm-none-linux-gnueabi-gcc compiler, so it just seems like Code::Blocks has a problem. The only thing is of course I'm not going to get my Pandora for a couple of months, so I can't check how they would run on it! Hopefully if I just make a program/game with the standard GNU compiler it won't be too much for me to adapt it to compile for Pandora when the time comes I can actually do something with it :P

Anyway, thanks for all your help Unfathomable Depths.