Sensible to buy Pandora now?


Still Fresh
Jun 13, 2014
As an interested UMPC user, I have been gazing on the Pandora forums from afar. The Megapack has caused me to break my silence, and seriously consider purchasing one.

My question is, with the Pyra possibly on the way, is it really sensible to buy a Pandora now, when a replacement is in the works? I ask this as a cash-strapped student.

If the Pyra is at least a year away, or two years when testing and bugfixing is taken into consideration, then I can see getting a Pandora. I just don't want to be kicking myself six months from now if everyone is celebrating their Pyras.
If you are as cash-strapped as I am (it seems so from your post) then you could hold off and save the money but you might have to wait a while and pay more than the cost of a Pandora today. Or you could join the fun (as I am doing in a couple of weeks) and save for a Pyra while the development is still going on :)

Just my tuppence-worth.
It depends on what you want to do on your device.

There are tons of games I want to play on my Pandora, and I don't have too much time to play them. So to me having a Pyra would just mean having more games I won't have time to play. And for the non-gaming usage, I don't need more processing power.
Gaming wise there is already more games playable on pandora than time in your life left. So pandora could be the ultimate gaming device for the years to come.

If you're in business for an umpc, then it will definatly depend on your needs. Creating music and 3D models ? while it will work on pandora, it will be very slow and cramped. Pyra will be better. otherwise, for office like task, the pandora is all you need ;)
My question is, with the Pyra possibly on the way, is it really sensible to buy a Pandora now, when a replacement is in the works? I ask this as a cash-strapped student.
The Pyra will be more or less an upgraded Pandora. It will do a few more things the Pandora cannot do, but the Pandora is still a very good deal and you can already do tons of stuff with it. Even when the Pandora was at 600 USD, it was still an excellent value for money.

We don't know when the Pyra will be out (could be later than we expect, we never know when things run into troubles with production/design/other stuff) so unless you really want the latest shiny stuff and nothing else, the Pandora still makes very much sense today. There's nothing else like it.
Original Pandoras might even become collectors items, worth more than their original price. Someday.
And often, when a retro item gets a high price on eBay or the like then suddenly everyone digs theirs out of the loft and the market gets flooded and they become worthless again.