Selling My Dreamcast + Loads Of Games


i cant think of a good custom member title. Sugges
May 31, 2004
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Im selling my dreamcast + games. Its in good condition, and comes with all of the following games:


Uefa Dream Soccer
Confidential Mission
Unreal Tournament
Quake 3
Jet Set Radio
Virtua Tennis
Soul Calibur
House of the Dead 2
None of the above have boxes as I just stored them in a cd wallet and lost the boxes when we moved house <_< , Theyre all in good condition though.
Its also got around another 10 games, email me for the full list.

Accesories wise its got 2 pads, 2 guns, 2 vmus, one keyboard and one rumble pack. Its all official apart from one of the guns, which is Mad Katz. Anyone got any offers, im in the UK. Or if not, how much do you think I would get on eBay? I dont really waana sell but I could use some money for christmas prezzies. Anyway, offers or valuations welcome :P
I want House of the Dead 2 and your guns :)

Would you take £1 for "House of the Dead 2" (Seen as Boxed versions sell on ebay for £2 - £4 ) and would you take £5 for the Official Gun and £3 for the Unofficial gun ??

Let me know. Thanks