Selling An Unlit 200mhz Gp32

Aug 10, 2004
I have a GP32 to sell. Mine overclock up to 200MHz 100% stable an is an unlit version (which means it consumes less power thus you will get more playtime on a set of batteries) with a modded glass screen (less scratches). I also made a wormlight to see in the dark (which works really well!) and it comes boxed with a carry case, the usb cable, an AC adapter to plug it when you don't have batteries(US and canada) and a 128mb memory card. If you are interested make an offer and PM me!
LMAO @ Trooper!!!!!!

I am just curious why sell such a handheld of beauty? I mean unless you really need the money sounds like you have a great modified GP32! I personally own a FLU not sure if I am interested but I am just curious to know why you re selling it, is it for a PSP?

Last thing how did you MOD it with the pencil trick or?
It's just that I don't use it anymore. Last time I used it it was as an ogg player and that was like 4 months ago, now I bought an Ipod so I don't need it anymore. I also need money to buy a original Xbox Crystal clear case and other various stuff. About the mod, I did not mod it, it is overclocking like that without any mod! I tought that instead of putting it away in my closet, I could sell it to have extra money and make someone happy!
I totally understand was juat curious. I would put it up on ebay as you should be able to get between 100 and 150...
where do you live?
is it still available?
can you send me a pic of you playing it in sunlight and in full dark?
Decided to keep it, it's more worth it to keep it than sell it for a ridiculous price... Thanks all for looking anyway!!!