Sega's robot girlfriend for lonely men?WTF

Wrath Of Khan

Soul soother...
Dec 29, 2009
It seems sega made a robot girlfriend for lonely men. Imagine turning her on(woops wrong choice of words) and the first thing you hear is Segaaaaaaa....It would be like sleeping with a megadrive and in the sober moring light of day due to crap sound chips realising her voice

sounds like a cackling husky voiced she witch. Plus shes only fifteen inches high hardly big enough for a grown man to fit his (censored)

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Sega.. you assholes were cutting the Phantasy Star Portable 2 Infinity US / EU Release for this?!

Jesus christ... yet another -1 Respect for Sega from me.

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Hey, in Japan, there were Vibrators and other "Toys" available you could connect to the Playstation! So compared to this, the SEGA Robo Girlfriend seems to be harmless. ;)

Remembers me on "Ping" from "Mega Tokyo", a female Playstation Accessory for Dating Sims -Non Ecchi Model of course. :D
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Hey, in Japan, there were Vibrators and other "Toys" available you could connect to the Playstation! So compared to this, the SEGA Robo Girlfriend seems to be harmless. ;)

Remembers me on "Ping" from "Mega Tokyo", a female Playstation Accessory for Dating Sims -Non Ecchi Model of course. :D

Hey, in Japan, there were Vibrators and other "Toys" available you could connect to the Playstation! So compared to this, the SEGA Robo Girlfriend seems to be harmless. ;)

Remembers me on "Ping" from "Mega Tokyo", a female Playstation Accessory for Dating Sims -Non Ecchi Model of course. :D
Good lord playstation vibrators. People you are not meant to have relations with a games console! Japan is such a stange country sometimes.