Sega Master System Emu For Native Dingoo Fw

Update the jukebox (under Music), it will update the whole system so that the new emu is recognize; it worked for me once.
n00body said:
Update the jukebox (under Music), it will update the whole system so that the new emu is recognize; it worked for me once.

done that freezes dingoo.... it also freezes when i disconnect from usb to pc :(
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Did you update your firmware to 1.1 ? I heard there were pb with older ones.
n00body said:
Did you update your firmware to 1.1 ? I heard there were pb with older ones.

if i update fw do i have to install dingux again ???
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I don't think, since dingux is on the sdcard, but you gonna have to reinstall the bootloader (fairly easy).
About SmsGGOO, new version available on my website :
Now, i no more using s2d lib ;) and i thinks it's full speed with better sound

slaanesh, i'm now waiting you to port mame4all to native dingoo OS if you want !
alekmaul said:
About SmsGGOO, new version available on my website :
Now, i no more using s2d lib ;) and i thinks it's full speed with better sound
Thanks again Alekmaul!

alekmaul said:
slaanesh, i'm now waiting you to port mame4all to native dingoo OS if you want !
Yeah, I also would love MAME4ALL for native Dingoo OS, but also only if he wants, of course.
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alekmaul said:[/img]

slaanesh, i'm now waiting you to port mame4all to native dingoo OS if you want !

Well I'll admit I'm curious. What is the SDK like? Very basic I heard? Do you have smsggoo_v20 source code available?
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I PM you slaanesh.
Yes, the SDK is really basic and only one lib is available : entry.a
You can download s2d sdk which is the "official sdk" but it's a "big shit" where you can't control what you want (just see difference between smsgg v1.0 and v2.0).
Just take a look here where flatmush made a minimal sdk with only what we need to do gfx and to control pad/buttons.The only pb is sound, we need to use threads with ucos2 functions (which is the default os in dingoo) and i really don't know how to do that (we need to use OSCreateThread, and so on ...).
Also, zaxxon, from the same forum, began a new minimal library here : (the direct link is