Second Batch?

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matzesu said:
is my english realy so awefull?

Some of us - myself included - are so used to English spoken and typed by people VERY familiar with the way it is used that even slightly unusual versions of it come across as confusing. Not so confusing as to misunderstand whether someone is gay or not, but certainly enough to not be able to understand what is being said.

This is a two-part failure - yes, you have to fail to use English very well but I (or another reader) has to fail to understand your point.

On the other hand, your English is incredible compared to my German, Spanish, or even French (and France is "right next door" to me in England!).

Stick with it - you're doing better than me already at foreign languages, and you can only improve from here :D
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Let's be fair Craig's grasp of the English language doesn't appear to be spot on. His grasp of manners is quite frankly appalling. He's irritated me before but I am actually shocked at the posts I have read in this thread. Not to mention the bizare notion that having a gay lover is somehow derogatory - Is he a BNP voter..?

The way he is treating the people who are funding his venture is quite frankly disgusting. I think he owes an apology or two.
Pleng said:
Let's be fair Craig's grasp of the English language doesn't appear to be spot on. His grasp of manners is quite frankly appalling. He's irritated me before but I am actually shocked at the posts I have read in this thread. Not to mention the bizare notion that having a gay lover is somehow derogatory - Is he a BNP voter..?

The way he is treating the people who are funding his venture is quite frankly disgusting. I think he owes an apology or two.

This Is only the Internet and he's informing people about himself far more than he is of me - but I am a little dissapointed in myself. I have previously defended some of his milder, but still rude behaviour to other customers, and I'm ashamed to have encouraged such childishness now that it both seems to be getting worse and has targeted ME! I feel a little hypocritical having told others to laugh off/ignore his deliberately provocative posts and now feel the tables turned - it's NOT nice to have someone deliberately attempt to upset/annoy/irritate you, and I wish to apologise to anyone who may have (correctly, I suspect) felt that I undervalued their feelings in such matters.
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Monk: You apparently mislead "case" as a product and "design of case" as a plane, blueprint. Design is done. Cases are not. In this time mould for cases is manufacturing. After mould be done then cases will be made in one big batch. By information from Craig, 10'000 (ten thousands) cases can be done in one or maybe in a few days. Then cases will be really done.
Nobody knows how many pandora the second batch will be, meybe op would have orders of 10000 pandoras at the second batch, than whe need 4000 cases more, because there are 6000 in stock, i hope there are any time 10.000.000 pandora in the world.. lets beat the ps2 B)
peca said:
Monk: You apparently mislead "case" as a product and "design of case" as a plane, blueprint.

If I understand you, I disagree but am not sure that this conversation has anywhere good to go. I have not mentioned blueprints or "planes".

peca said:
Design is done. Cases are not.

Mould is not. I assume from critisism that mould has been made. I do nor recall this being confirmed before today. Mould does not produce working case. Mould must be changed (tweaked/shaved). Ergo current mould is not final yet. Unless, of course, it reached final stage JUST before Golden Week (too late to run off and ship the 10,000 cases).

[/quote]After mould be done then cases will be made in one big batch. By information from Craig, 10'000 (ten thousands) cases can be done in one or maybe in a few days. Then cases will be really done.[/quote]

Ergo mould is not finished, or we would have 10,000 cases. We do not.

If the mould is finsihed then we are one day away from 10,000 cases. Yippe.

b_o_b said:
This thread definitely deserves a lock.

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matzesu said:
Nobody knows how many pandora the second batch will be, meybe op would have orders of 10000 pandoras at the second batch, than whe need 4000 cases more, because there are 6000 in stock, i hope there are any time 10.000.000 pandora in the world.. lets beat the ps2 B)
I think we'll need about 130,000,000 more Pandoras than that to beat the PS2.
Which would be pretty far out, actually.

And I think it doesn't matter whether the molds are "done" or not, let's just wait another week or so for the first cases to be produced instead. :)
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Monk said:
MonkeyChops said:
:o damn! think Craig is sick of misinformation or what?

He should probably stop posting it then.

I didn't mean to insinuate that you were intentionally spreading misinformation. I simply couldn't think of anything else that could have pissed off craig so much. Perhaps he had one to many at the pub? I'm sure all the negative attention that he and the pandora get (justly or unjustly) prob doesn't help, couple that with the stress of the pre-orders opening up again, and a couple of beers... who knows? Its no excuse to be rude but we've all done worst.

An apology and a lock does seem to be in order.
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Well I am totally pissed off at the unprofessional approach from Craig ,and what's all this
gay talk , I mean Craig is the one with the gay vocals so did he have a lovers tiff ?

Right well I am also not happy with the news of no second batch until Craig see's fit
and would love to know if this is echoed by Evil dragon and Mweston ,is this a business
or a small project , don't open Pandora want to make money because 4000 units is nothing
compared to the amount of possible buyers once the Pandora's first 4000 units are out
there for all to see.

So basically it looks like Craig needs that last 100 units shifted and will come up with
any old crap to keep the camp happy ,well what about the large amount of people who
are watching in the wings ready to jump on board with a hopeful second batch only to
read that there are not even plans yet for a second batch ,simply unprofessional and
a bit of a joke really ,so thanks Craig there's my dream of owning a Pandora out the
window along with the dreams of many others.

I'm astounded about how much havoc only two posts can cause. Amazing.

Have you guys considered the possibility that he might just suffer from British "humour" and that we've all misunderstood him? Happens to me as a Swede all the time (we're a screwy lot)
paddy said:
Well I am totally pissed off at the unprofessional approach from Craig ,and what's all this
gay talk , I mean Craig is the one with the gay vocals so did he have a lovers tiff ?

Right well I am also not happy with the news of no second batch until Craig see's fit
and would love to know if this is echoed by Evil dragon and Mweston ,is this a business
or a small project , don't open Pandora want to make money because 4000 units is nothing
compared to the amount of possible buyers once the Pandora's first 4000 units are out
there for all to see.

So basically it looks like Craig needs that last 100 units shifted and will come up with
any old crap to keep the camp happy ,well what about the large amount of people who
are watching in the wings ready to jump on board with a hopeful second batch only to
read that there are not even plans yet for a second batch ,simply unprofessional and
a bit of a joke really ,so thanks Craig there's my dream of owning a Pandora out the
window along with the dreams of many others.

Get what they/you deserve, no faith, no pandora.
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Sphinxter said:
Get what they/you deserve, no faith, no pandora.
Amen. Let us now all pray to the Craiginator.

But honestly; he makes a few valid points but none that apply to me or my view of the Pandora project.
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craigix said:
Now go away.

Good luck with that one. The members of this forum (a great many of them anyway) are an unscrupulous mob of nit picking zombies, who will prod, poke and pick holes into every minutiae of your every word and move.

I think some people have simply forgotten, or never knew, that this is a community project amongst a group of like-minded forum goers of whom you are simply one. You're not a suave, suited, corporate drone spouting blanket statements but, rather, just one of the guys blundering hopelessly into communication which a bunch of people who, it would seem, no longer like you very much. And that's what I like about the whole project!

You need to get yourself a real PR bod, one of those folks who speaks smooth, sugar coated drivel and, like a politician, manages to use lots of words without actually saying anything or answering a particular question.

A few days dealing with someone like that, and everyone will be screaming for videos of you sitting in the bath and for more forum posts indirectly calling them gay instead. Just don't try doing both at once... water and electricity never end well.

P.S. u r gay.

P.P.S. No, rly, u r gay!!

P.P.P.S. Can I have your number?
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lol i can smell the sarcasm and testosterone of immature teenagers flowing through this thread.

i like
I think everyone needs to take a step back and think about this.

Yes, as customers, you are all angry about the delays. You're getting irritable, and that's to be expected. But think about the people MAKING this device! However irritable you are, they are 10 times worse. I'm sure the delays have pissed them off a lot more than you. And that is on top of people complaining about delays, sitting there spread misinformation (I know it wasn't intended, but it would annoy me as well), etc etc.

I'm sure craig is probably under a lot of stress about Pandora right now, and has been for a while. It's understandable. Yeah, it was unprofessional what he said... but it happens.

As far as him using derogatory terms, that does not represent his belief in the matter at all, and it irritates me when people say stuff such as that. I myself am pansexual (which can be considered gay), but I still use derogatory terms for homosexual males (mostly starting with the letter F). I am very pro choice, but a word is just a word.
MonkeyChops said:
I didn't mean to insinuate that you were intentionally spreading misinformation. I simply couldn't think of anything else that could have pissed off craig so much. Perhaps he had one to many at the pub? I'm sure all the negative attention that he and the pandora get (justly or unjustly) prob doesn't help, couple that with the stress of the pre-orders opening up again, and a couple of beers... who knows? Its no excuse to be rude but we've all done worst.

Sorry, I was a bit irritated. I'm a bit susceptable to stress right now (irritable bowel syndrome, inoperable diverticulitis, and blocked passages that mean I can't breathe properly unless I have surgery - due next month) but we all have our own stresses and I shouldn't have let that combine with the forum activity into making me prickly. My apologies :(

dflemstr said:
I'm astounded about how much havoc only two posts can cause. Amazing.

Have you guys considered the possibility that he might just suffer from British "humour" and that we've all misunderstood him? Happens to me as a Swede all the time (we're a screwy lot)

I'm British. That wasn't humour. At the same time, it also wasn't something worth banging on about endlessly - I think we should all let it drop and do something else, personally.

Gary13579 said:
And that is on top of people complaining about delays, sitting there spread misinformation (I know it wasn't intended, but it would annoy me as well), etc etc.

Please don't get me started on the whole "case mould" issue. Please.
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