Ruler of good and evil, then i make them fight tog
Im really sorry to all you people who have heard this complaint a million times, but the search function didnt help my problem. I havnt been able to install the SDL yet, i download the SDL zip file, unzip it once, put it under "root" on my sd card, then i get that black screen that people talk about, but that only lasts less than a split second so i dont think thats right, and sdl games dont work so.. anyway last night i unzipeed the two files and when i came to load it on my gp2x i got the black screen and that went on for my than 5mins and turned it off. some one please help me out here, i tried everything i think to get this working
and i cant run any snes games.
seeing all these problems everyone are having i have the impression each GP2X has a personality
seeing all these problems everyone are having i have the impression each GP2X has a personality