Certified Guru
Someone (DemonStar55) asked for a port of this lode runner clone.
I applied the patches for later versions of SDL, mapped some buttons, and it's now available:
SDL Scavenger GP2X
If you take the zip file, unzip it to your SD card's root directory, then run sdlscav on your GP2X you'll see the start screen. Press B to go. Start suicides. L and R dig left and right respectively. Sound deliberately nailed since my headphone socket died. Completing a level looks like it hangs for a while, but it's just saving your progress to the SD card. Chill.
Source is here:
Scavenger page is here:
I applied the patches for later versions of SDL, mapped some buttons, and it's now available:
SDL Scavenger GP2X
If you take the zip file, unzip it to your SD card's root directory, then run sdlscav on your GP2X you'll see the start screen. Press B to go. Start suicides. L and R dig left and right respectively. Sound deliberately nailed since my headphone socket died. Completing a level looks like it hangs for a while, but it's just saving your progress to the SD card. Chill.

Source is here:
Scavenger page is here: