Sdl Scavenger Port For Gp2x Released


Certified Guru
Apr 4, 2005
Someone (DemonStar55) asked for a port of this lode runner clone.
I applied the patches for later versions of SDL, mapped some buttons, and it's now available:

SDL Scavenger GP2X

If you take the zip file, unzip it to your SD card's root directory, then run sdlscav on your GP2X you'll see the start screen. Press B to go. Start suicides. L and R dig left and right respectively. Sound deliberately nailed since my headphone socket died. Completing a level looks like it hangs for a while, but it's just saving your progress to the SD card. Chill.


Source is here:

Scavenger page is here:
Cyclops posted on Mar 24 2006 at 04:14 AM said:
There is a level designer, If I remember, and you can skin this thing.
You're quite right, there is a level designer. It's just not hooked up yet. The code's all there - I just haven't provided a button mapping to go into that mode. Without looking into it more, I don't really know how many keys it uses, or indeed how it works (I've never run the linux version) but looking at the lbm's in the data dir, it looks mouse-controlled, which is actually quite good news.

The tiles are in the data dir, so yes, you can play around with its appearance.
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DemonStar55 posted on Mar 24 2006 at 09:09 PM said:
how long is it suppose to seems to lock up? I'm assuming not over a min...
You assume wrongly :) I thought it'd locked up the first time I finished a level, but I ran it again with strace, and it was writing data (albeit very slowly). If you leave it for a couple of minutes, it'll progress.

I'm sure it can be fixed, but if you leave it, it will show a black screen with score info, then let you move on to the next level.
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critical posted on Mar 24 2006 at 03:20 PM said:
DemonStar55 posted on Mar 24 2006 at 09:09 PM said:
how long is it suppose to seems to lock up? I'm assuming not over a min...
You assume wrongly :) I thought it'd locked up the first time I finished a level, but I ran it again with strace, and it was writing data (albeit very slowly). If you leave it for a couple of minutes, it'll progress.

I'm sure it can be fixed, but if you leave it, it will show a black screen with score info, then let you move on to the next level.
oh alright, well I just read the error.log and it just said it couldn't find stuff and it started writing folders, so will it take a few mins each new level or will it take shorter time because the files don't all need to be created?
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