Sd Slot 2 Not Working

Have you tried installing the Vanilla Zaxxon firmware with no hot fixes installed then tried slot 2? have you got another SD card knocking around you could try, in a old phone or Tomtom maybe? you could also try compressed air in the hole, you could blow into it but it's probably not recommended as you could get moister in there

Paddy what a nightmare. I guess it's not as bad as you make out or you wouldn't be as devastated at the thought of being without it. just clearly upset because SD2 Isn't working. Hopefully it's nothing and you get it working
yep tried 2 different cards with different levels of formatting,it's going back for repair tomorrow and i will try to forget the word pandora for a week or so.
Poor Paddy :(
Such bad luck!
I burn an offering to the small electronics gods in your name! That oughta get things sorted out. :)
WizardStan said:
Poor Paddy :(
Such bad luck!
I burn an offering to the small electronics gods in your name! That oughta get things sorted out. :)

I hope its a good looking virgin offering ! :) mabe a pspgo or dsi ,that should please me for the days to come.
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paddy said:
Hi,i need to send my pandora back but its going to be around two weeks to test and repair my unit and i really don't want to be without my pandora for that lenth of time so i am asking if any you guys have any other suggestions that i could try on a software level to see if i can infact get my card to read on slot2.

I am asking partially in a desperate attempt to fix this without sending it away but also because i found that my other sd card,a micro sd 16gb card was formatted and working in sd slot 1 but just today it stopped working in slot 1 but would still load up fine in windows and also that card shows up on slot1 if i hold down the right shoulder button at boot to flash the pandora firmware,so i think something strange is going on that my cards are just vanishing.

Mabe my cards are not formatted correctly
Mabe the old id for those cards are somehow not showing up in the OS
Mabe i am really unlucky and my cards have been damaged ????
Mabe my pandora has some crazy hardware fault



This is going to sound daft ... so forgive me in advance

My first pandora had a similar issue (since then it has been exchanged for a different reason altogether)

Slot 1 i had an 8gb microsd with adapter / slot 2 I had a 16gb sd

I noticed that taking the 8gb out and in, after a while it would not recognise it (but my pc would). So i just started using it in slot 2 ..

By mistake i put the 16gb (ie different sd card) in slot 1 and it was happy.

now the daft bit ... it was almost like somewhere on the os it had stored a blacklist of the SPECIFIC card on slot 1 becuase all other worked ??? I put it down to not being able to mount and unmount

In your shoes I would.
1) Apply Hotfix 3. Presume you have done this (some fixes on sd)
2) I would reflash completely, to try and flush the "memory" of the card


Sorry paddy just read the whole thread and saw you have pretty much tried everything i suggested :(
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Well, I was wondering if he'd checked it since it had been marked as solved. ;) Sorry, I should have been clearer, there!
So you should be sorry! :lol: only joking. I think Paddy's has genuinely got a problem. The poor guy needs some luck.. I'd be bored as hell if I had to be without mine for 2 weeks.
I can sympathise - it was boring when I had to be without mine for several days! :( (It did give me a chance to rip a lot of DVDs, though!)
The very, very nice Jacquelyn has offered to give me a new unit so i am not without my unit for any lenth of time i think mabe because of the type of hardware issues i am having so i am more than happy and can't believe how amazing OPT are ! :) the customer service is the best i have ever had the pleasure to deal with.

I want to get ubuntu working on the pandora for a few reasons and this is taking time but i want ogre3d on my desktop and mabe on the pandora with some luck as i want to start the 3d ball rolling ,who is with me ? :)
Their superb service is why I've been a customer of theirs since 2003. :) I'm glad it's on its way to being sorted out!

I can't help with Ogre3D, but I did have a (probably very simplistic) thought on Ubuntu. Has anyone tried dropping the Pandora kernel into it, yet? I have this vague recollection of it being said that you should be able to bring many distros up to a basic level of functionality that way, but I could be wrong. :P