Sd Problems


Still Fresh
Jan 22, 2006
I bought an sd card for my brand new GP2X, put music on the card put it in worked fine for about 1 hour then, lines apeared on the screen, and it won't boot up to the main menu. Is it something to do with the formatting on the sd card? And if thats true am i screwed and left with a useless $200 pile of crap, or can i fix it.
Please I need help!
... and people WONDER why the PSP and the DS do not use batteries...

1. Two or more connected cells that produce a direct current by converting chemical energy to electrical energy.
2. A single cell, such as a dry cell, that produces an electric current.

What does your DS and PSP run off :blink:


But yeah regular AA's you buy at the store suck, but good rechargables do a very good job and are great because in those rare and horrible instinces you can use regular AA batteries.
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