Scummvm, Temper Wiz


Still Fresh
Sep 12, 2011
Hello, i dont knw how to add roms to scummvm ur temper wiz ( what pc emgine is this anyway). Also as any1 used dane electric,7dayshop,mfc brand 32gb class 10 sdhc cards with caanoo if so ar there any problems with them really cheap off ebay, thought i ask b4 buying. Sorry if answered ur in wrong place NEWBIE. Pls help.
PC-Engine is the name of a console, if you're not familiar with it you probably don't mean to be running Temper. It has nothing to do with computers.
As far as ScummVM - each game requires a specific set of files in their own folder for each game (these can't be compressed into a single .ZIP or .RAR file). To keep them organized, it's best to put them all under another directory, for example, "Games". Then you'll have to add each game to the ScummVM launcher menu.


1. Create a folder to store all your ScummVM games. I find it best to just create a folder named 'Games' inside the ScummVM folder on your SD card, since that's the first place ScummVM goes to when you click 'Add Game' on the launcher menu.

2. Inside your new folder, create a folder for each game you have data files for. The data files required for each game are on the ScummVM wiki here.

3. Run ScummVM on your Caanoo. After it loads, you'll be looking at an empty menu with buttons on the bottom. Tap 'Add Game...', then move to your games directory (double-tap a folder to name to open it). Then select a directory with the datafiles inside, and tap 'Choose'. Don't open the directory before you tap 'Choose', otherwise you'll be looking at the datafiles, and ScummVM won't know what you're trying to 'Choose'.

4. Repeat for all your games.
Hi, thanx for the info temper wiz was confusing cause when i launced it said pc engine, which i had no idea was a another name for turbogrfx 16 in japan. It runs good on sf (PERFECT). Thanx alot, 0 i will try scummvm later after wrk. (That helped out alot). Caanoo is the best. my 1st proper emu console after psp.
O and also do u knw if the caanoo excepts any brand sdhc cards (cheap brands). Have u tried 32gb cards & what brands. Also av u tried runing pcsx4all cause when i launch a iso i get black screen Pls help.
Hey, thanx alot remy for helping , its made the caanoo worth it, i had all the files i needed i just chouldnt launch the games in scummvm, ur info helped alot. Any info on wrkin games 4 pcsx4all any1.
I nearlt forgot i just orderd a 32gb transcend sdhc hope it wrks. So im gona need sme wrkin games with pcsx4all.
Hey , just another ? Frm a newbie ive seen a openbor engine with beats something game. But i av no idea what it is or how to use it. Can sme1 explain it. Pls thanx, caanoo is alot better now. We'll worth it.