Script For Renaming To Top.smc


Jul 22, 2003
i've written a very quick and dirt script to copy roms to top.smc from all the *.smcs it finds (in turn), so you can test a number of SNES roms with the emulator without going back to your pc.

SMC renamer
it should have been simple to code but i'm a bit rusty on shell scripting...

and lots of things that i had working on my pc seemed not to work on the gp2x :huh:

so don't go checking out the code expecting anything great ;)

i haven't even had time to test the emulator lol so no extra features included like looking in different directories or anything :P
What's this about renaming .smc files to top.smc? You have to rename them to top.smc in order to run them?
Could someone explain.
What's this about renaming .smc files to top.smc? You have to rename them to top.smc in order to run them?
Could someone explain.

It's an alpha version of the emulator, so for testing purposes, the author's just hardcoded a single ROM filename into it, instead of providing a menu.
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Do you have to have the SMC file on the Root of the SD for the emulator to work or could you put it in a directory called Snes and execute it from there?
i'm not sure. the script should run as long as its in the same dir as the roms, but if everything is in the same location somewhere else i imagine the emu should work.

oh one thing about the script.. it also copies top.smc when it gets to it in the list too ;)
Thanks alot :)

i may not have a GP2X yet but it will come soon, so these kind of useful little tools are most welcome.

Thanks again B)
if you have a rom thats already called top.smc then it will be overwritten then ;)

might change the script so it actually uses a symbolic link to the rom instead of copying it, to save space, time, and writes to the smc (not sure if this will work ?)
the file has been updated.

symbolic link did not seem to work.

now the script looks for your rom files in /snes and therefore you can have actual top.smc file in this directory :)

not sure how much of a timesaver the script actually is, as you have to reboot after testing a rom in the emulator anyway...but this has opened my eyes to the potential there is on the gp2x simply by using scripts... and how helpful it actually is to be running linux!