Screen too small or windows too big?


Mar 16, 2007
Ever so often I stumble over a window that is too big for the screen and that has its "OK" or "chancel" buttons off-screen. Is it possible to do something about this? Like forcing a window to not exceed the screen size and have scrollbars instead?

I don't want to sound like a troll, but that reminds me of MS Windows on a low resolution device, and not of a state of the art Linux.

OK, I lied about not wanting to sound like a troll ;-P
You can move the window up to see the offscreen part by holding the left shoulder button and dragging it with the stylus (or 'mouse' controls).
Thanks, that actually works. But it is not an obvious thing to do, even for someone who read the wiki ...
Ever so often I stumble over a window that is too big for the screen and that has its "OK" or "chancel" buttons off-screen. Is it possible to do something about this? Like forcing a window to not exceed the screen size and have scrollbars instead?
It depends on the app. Some things you can force at the window-manager level, via making the program launch in a maximised state, or defining margins that applications aren't supposed to draw over. There are plenty of programs however, where the developer has assumed that the minimum resolution will be 800x600, and has laid things out with that in mind, using widgets and spacers that are a fixed pixel size, and there's nothing you can do about that other than shift-click the program window around. When stuff gets ported, the source can often be changed so it'll fit the screen, but it's kinda tedious (I have a new version of minitube that I haven't PND'd because it's too big ...)
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