Screen Issues


Still Fresh
Mar 21, 2007
Hi guys,
not sure if this has been answered else where but I've tried searching to no avail.......

was happily passing an hour or so earlier today when my screen went "funny", (running fw 2.1.1). the screen now only shows multicoloured lines.

PLEASE HELP me fix it as I can't afford a new one!

many thanks.
Yep, I have 2 sets of 2500's which always work fine. If i keep trying to turn off and on, sometimes it gives the screen and then goes to lines biut othertimes it just looks like a rainbow. Have just been on ebay and there are a couple of sales showing the same prob.

ARSE!!!!!!! I think i'm gonna cry!
That is exactly the issue with bad batteries, try new ones, go buy a couple of AA\'s and see if it runs, or try with power adapter. It is 90% sure your batteries even you think they\'re fresh.
no, not flashed anything (in fact not even sure what you mean). will try new batteries but if not will have to get saving. would it be worth trying to purchase one of these faulty ones, is the uboot repairable?

just loooked it up, deffo not a knackered uboot as i would never even attempt to fiddle with anything like that (not techie enough) and I wouldn't want to take on someone elses probs!

It looks like it's the batteries then! PLUS........
if it was the uboot, the gp2x screen wouldn't show at all....... would it???????????????
