Screen Haze/Fogginess/Contrast Issue


Dec 30, 2012

For some time know I have noticed the Pandora's screen isn't crystal clear. It always seamed to have a layer of film or something over it, taking away that crisp image quality LCD screens usually have. Maybe the contrast is too high internally, I'm not sure.

So I basically got use to it, didn't bother me too much with day-to-day use (mostly games and web browsing). But today I installed Freespace: The Great War (fantastic game btw) and I can barely see anything unless it's directly in front of me. The first thing I noticed was how not-black the black background was. Distant objects just blend into the background and stars are basically invisible. My vision improves if I look at the screen on a heavy angle but that isn't much of a fix. I messed with the games brightness settings and I honestly can't see a difference on any setting, no difference at all.

I have read elsewhere on the site that screens can very from unit to unit, but I haven't been able to find a fix for my screen's washed-out appearance.

Do I have a bad LCD screen? Is there something I need to fix? Any advice is helpful.

1GHz Unit, roughly 4 months old, bought from Link's shop
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I don't mean to seem sarcastic but you said you tried adjusting the 'games brightness settings' but have you tried adjusting the Pandora's LCD settings?

Also are you sure there is no screen cover/protector on the unit??...again I am not trying to br sarcastic or rude...I actually made that mistake once.. :o   B)
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I've tried the in-game settings and the Pandora's LCD settings. I originally thought it was a Gamma issue, but it wasn't.

No, I don't have a screen protector on my unit. I probably should, but I never put a screen protector on anything.
My 1Ghz Screen seems a little lack luster when placed side by side with my First Batch unit(CC).. If I was confident in swapping the screens I would.. 