Scart Cable On Ebay

huh? maybe there's something i don't know but i thought the cradle had an s-video output? And how and why are you planning to connect your gp2x to a cradle with a tv out cable?
NickLoTurco said:
If I connect my GP2X to cradle with the S-video 3m TV out cable I have, is this the right cable to then connect the cradle to my TV set via scart socket?


You connect the gp2x to the cradle using the built in connector, and cradle has an s-video socket for connecting to your pc. Why do you need a VGA to Scart connector? SVideo to SCART I could understand.
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Right. My TV does not have an S-video connection. Therefore, if I want to connect the GP2X directly to my TV I need an adaptor kit which I've seen in argos for a tenner, see link below.

This is fine but thing on ebay was about 3 quid. Obviously if I have the GP2X IN the cradle and am using joypads, then I would only need the TV out cable and that argos adaptor right?

But! The use the cradle, I need a second lead, the TV out lead is already going from the GP2X into the three sockets at the back of the cradle, so the S-video socket is being used up already.......the more I'm trying to explain the more I'm confusing myself.
NickLoTurco said:
But! The use the cradle, I need a second lead, the TV out lead is already going from the GP2X into the three sockets at the back of the cradle, so the S-video socket is being used up already.......the more I'm trying to explain the more I'm confusing myself.
Why do need to connect the GP2X to the 3 sockets? :blink: You are suppose to mount the GP2X on the cradle itself using the EXT port found under the GP2X.
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I can't actually answer your question, but before you buy those joypads have a look at the shipping fees. 12 pound is quite enough to offset the low actual price.
NickLoTurco said:
the TV out lead is already going from the GP2X into the three sockets at the back of the cradle, so the S-video socket is being used up already.

i think he is using the TV out lead to connect the GP2x to the s video in the cradle!!!

what you need to do is connect the GP2x +directly+ to the cradle (you don't need another cable) then get that argos adapter, along with appropriate cables to connect to your TV.

alternativley if you have the 3m TV out cable already then you can bypass the cradle and just connect the TV out cable to the Argos adpater.
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Hmm... I think you should clarify what exactly you want to do. It seems to confuse people.

If I got this correctly, you want to connect your GP2X to your TV using the cradle, right?

But your TV doesn't have S-Video, so you want to use SCART instead, right?

From what I can tell, the first SCART cable you linked to is a VGA to SCART, meaning you would need to convert the VGA to S-Video in order to be able to plug it to the cradle.

If it's the second SCART cable you linked to, the composite to SCART, then you would need to convert the yellow composite plug to a S-Video.

So it's like this then:

GP2X =EXT=> Cradle =S-Video=> Plug converter =SCART=> TV

Did I get that correctly? :huh:

(As far as I can tell, there would be no need for the GP2X 3m TV-out cable at all.)

EDIT: Woops, already too late in replying... :( Good luck with it then. :P
I'm still puzzled why you were trying to plug a VGA connector (as the ebay auction you linked to) into the gp2x or cradle.

Hopefully that isn't one of the "Bought both on ebay!".