Scalable theme truncates board name just after transition


Still fresh, damnit!
Oct 6, 2008
Somewhere off the coast of the EU
The default scalable board themes seem to transition between a mobile-like view and a desktop-like view at around 1000 pixels horizontal.  On the new-content page, below the thread title and page navigation icons there is a string that indicates the initiator, when they started the thread, and in which board it resides.

That string takes the form 'By Foo, When in Bar' where Foo is a username, when a time and/or date, and Bar being the board name, for example: 'By EvilDragon, Saturday at 4:01 PM in Official Pyra News'.  Unfortunately, the desktop-style view truncates that string at a much shorter length than the mobile-style view does.

Say you're on a 1024 wide monitor and you full-screen the browser window; that line gets truncated to 'By EvilDragon, Saturday at 4:01 PM in...'.  You can no longer see on which board the thread was posted.  I consider this personally to be important information in deciding whether to read the thread or not, certainly more important than when it was posted, and perhaps even more important than who posted it.

Ideally, the string could be truncated to some longer length, so that even if it has been posted in the last week by someone with a long username, it still displays at least some identifiable part of the subforum name (there seems to be plenty of white space to the right of the text) or if not, it'd be nicer if the order of the string were fiddled with, so the board name comes further forward.

I guess nothing will be done wrt. this because ED's looking at switching the boards software anyway, but I thought I'd mention it anyway.
This issue has been fixed in the new 'unread content' (as opposed to the old 'new content') - now it puts the name of the thread originator, latest poster and the board name on a line which appears to span the whole width of the box it's in, which is 90% of the browser width or thereabouts.

As I shrink the width of my browser to mobile-like resolutions, even smaller than the length of a line, it wraps so that no information is lost.
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