Salvaria Video Update


May 17, 2006
Has anyone else had trouble posting my post seems to get corrupted when I post something any way if this one works I posted a new update video of my progress. :) There is an option menu now that lets the user controll the speed of the characters animaitons and speed the settings are fast,medium, and slow. Hope you guys like it better.

Salvaria Demo 2
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Hey first off, the graphics look very nice. I am impressed. I do have a few suggestions though since I have played many rpgs in the past. And hopefully you'll consider some of them.

1) Buildings in town look very nice, but road-to-grass looks 8bit nintendoish, maybe add some texture between grass and road (lol sorry i dont know all the technical terms)
2) I think part of "magic" of rpgs is exploring the houses, if you make all the interactions outside the buildings then players will move through the towns really quickly.
3) I like the fact that you didn't try to stick all the heroes and enemies in the same screen (i dunno some people might not like it). The enemy graphics are also pretty nice. I think you should make the battles go faster/more fluid somehow. Maybe add an auto attack or speed up the frames? I don't know much about graphics but if you reduce the frames it will appear to go faster right?, but at the cost of less fluid motion or something like that :P

Pretty solid game, a lot more action than your previous demo. Its turning out to be a pretty good game.

Edit: Forget number 3 i obviously didn't finish reading you're first post :D
Post corruption? I think you might not understand, that every news that is posted first needs to be approved so that it appears. If a news article is not approved it shows a message that some files are missing. I don`t know why there isn`t a real message for it. I got confused the first times either.

Anyway, really good looking game.
Looks good! the battle animation seems faster which is very good (I would still prefer it even more faster)

The speed of walking around is way too slow. That would really annoy me if I would play it.

For the rest I hope we get a playable demo soon cause looks like a good game :)

And let someone check your english cause it's not so good, even for an homebrew game.

good luck with the game!!!
The game is looking great so far, the battle seemed to be at a much nicer pace and the graphics were well done. My only complaint is the lack of the ability to make the character run in towns but that does not seem to be a big deal. I am having a hard time believing that a game of this quality is being programmed by you in your spare time. Keep up the good work, I will definitely be looking forward to the full version of this game being released.

PS: Please add the ability to edit the graphics and maps/moves in the game, I would love to see an rpg that people continue to expand on after its development on the GP2X.
Sorry, but I don't like that "poser-like" graphics in any way. But I have to admit you did a great work coding the game.
This is great work, nice! I like the house and church gfx, the battle engine is great (BERSERK!!!). The grass and road tiles or texture needs to change but at least its all original gfx. finally home grew rpg are coming!