
Well-Known Member
Mar 26, 2003
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I WANT a RTS for the Atari ST, but I can't find one anywhere, can someone tell me specific names/URLs if it is a public domian image now? URL for Dune 2 would be welcome also, but prolly you can't tell me that/it dosen't exist anywhere on the I-net, so just names of other RTSes :)
You shoudl check your history :) The Atari ST's reign was about 1985/6 through about 1992 or so, with the height probably being around 1988. That far predates "Dune 2" which was the first game really recognizable as a modern real time simulation (ioe: Warcraft, etc).

Most ST games are "Real time", with a number of great turn based games. Real time sim wise, like Warcraft et al.. the closest you'll get is likely SimCity :)

There are a lot of great war games and whatnot, but I'm not sure theres anything like C&C or the like, since Dune 2 was really the one that made them popular.. and that was much later than the ST and Amiga years....

(The ST had no "Dune" franchise games at all to my knowledge)

(I am not all knowledgable with ST games)

actually Dune 2 made it on the Amiga. Not that it matters in our present case, but hey...
As for RTS games, as Skeezix said, the modern form of RTS appeared pretty much after the ST died.
The closest you could get to a RTS is Battlemaster which is basically a real time version of lords of chaos. Pretty good game, but it is poorly programmed. I have tried several version of the game & could not get a single one to run (I have not tried the menu versions, though).
Give it a spin if you get a chance. I personally love this game in spite of all its flaws
You could also give a look to populous, powermonger & utopia (not sure about Utopia). I suppose they could be considered as RTS too...
Hope you find what you are looking for,

Dune 2 was and is (IMHO) the best RTS ever made, its the only RTS ive played that oooozed with atmosphere and you could spend 5+ hours on a single mission. Loved it (and yes i have played nearly ever single one since... only one i thought was close was Warrior Kings :P)

Sorry to all u modern RTS luvers (C&C Generals anyone?? :blink: ) but there nowt on Dune 2 :P

Would love a port one way or anything for this console
skeezix posted on May 21 2003 said:
There are a lot of great war games and whatnot, but I'm not sure theres anything like C&C or the like, since Dune 2 was really the one that made them popular..
Any examples? non RTS games that spring to mind are Colonial Conquest and Laser Squad, however would be interested to know what other good strategy games came out on the ST.
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If you are looking for good turn based strategy games (sorry, I am not much into historical wargames), you can definitely try lords of chaos & lasersquad. There is also space crusade, sorcerer lord.
These games should already keep you occupied for a while.
Even today I still play lords of chaos fervently (the sequels were not nearly as good as this one)...
Dune 2 was the first of a kind. They sure got prettier, but nowadays are so pathetically easy and shallow. Though for my money, nothing has touched Warzone 2100 yet.

Sorry, that doesn't much help the ST question...