Rom CD Covers


Still Fresh
Feb 4, 2003
i was wondering if anyone knows of any sites that i can download cd covers, for my rom collections?

ie: atari snes sms wonderswan neogeopocket nes

as i dont have the time to make my own.

any help would be useful

Hmmmm... surely if you're using the roms legally then you'll own the originals anyway and will, ipso facto, already own the covers :D

Or is that me just being optimistic :D
I believe he's referring to a CD case... you know, making a pretty looking cover for your burnt CD of ROMs that you use to backup your roms which are (ahem) already just backups of your cartridge collection.

In response to the original question, I have found some MAME ones before, but never the others. If you do find some or make them, please post!
Axeman posted on May 13 2003 said:
Hmmmm... surely if you're using the roms legally then you'll own the originals anyway and will, ipso facto, already own the covers :D
Strictly speaking he already owns a license for the cover artwork. so downloading them holds the legallities as downloading the ROM in the first place......

(this post comes with a free grain of salt)
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How do you not have time to make a CD cover? Download a template for MS Word for a CD cover. They are all over the net. Then go to google and type "favorite_game screenshot". IE: "donkey kong country screen shot". Once you have the screen shot, stick the picture in Word, stretch it so it fits, write "SNES ROM COLLECTION" and print it out. It'll take you longer to print it out than it would to make one.
thanks Flack

but i want something a little better than that, something along the line of my mame ones.

i will keep looking, until im next on holiday from work when i will make my own!!!!

:rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:
You don't have to make your own covers ! There is a great site with really excellent rom covers ! Just head to and download those beauties :D Really professional covers in my opinion ! Fore some systems they even have cd labels ! Awesome ! :)
Excellent link! For anyone not understanding the "why" of wanting a CD cover, just check out the site. Yes, you can make things yourself but they don't look that good without a LOT of work!
tnx Bungholio ur a god send

this is the site ive been looking for all along.

thanks man!!!!

:D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D