Hi all,
I'm a Linux user and always checking www.happypenguin.org for some new or updated Linux games. Today I saw the game Rocks 'n' Diamonds (boulderdash clone) updated again and I realized, this game could be perfect for the GP2X.
Unfortunately I don't have any developing skills, so I can't do it myself (or be very very patient
This game uses SDL and as I understand that is a developing library that is usable for the GP2X too.
It has got very high ratings on happypenguin so I think it could be very rewarding to port this one to the GP2X.
Here the link to the entry on happypenguin: http://www.happypenguin.org/show?Rocks%20%...amonds#comments
And here the link to the rocks 'n' diamonds site: http://www.artsoft.org/rocksndiamonds
Great game, if you're a linux user and didn't try it yet, go install it! (but it would even be more fun to play it on the GP2X)
I'm a Linux user and always checking www.happypenguin.org for some new or updated Linux games. Today I saw the game Rocks 'n' Diamonds (boulderdash clone) updated again and I realized, this game could be perfect for the GP2X.
Unfortunately I don't have any developing skills, so I can't do it myself (or be very very patient
This game uses SDL and as I understand that is a developing library that is usable for the GP2X too.
It has got very high ratings on happypenguin so I think it could be very rewarding to port this one to the GP2X.
Here the link to the entry on happypenguin: http://www.happypenguin.org/show?Rocks%20%...amonds#comments
And here the link to the rocks 'n' diamonds site: http://www.artsoft.org/rocksndiamonds
Great game, if you're a linux user and didn't try it yet, go install it! (but it would even be more fun to play it on the GP2X)