Rise Of The Triad for Pandora


Jan 7, 2009
Today I decided to do something for the Pandora, so I recompiled this port of ROTT using dflemstr's handy little development-environment downloader script. Could someone with a Pandora devboard test my build? Download it here. I put the shareware files in with the archive to make it easier.
arrrgh said:
Today I decided to do something for the Pandora, so I recompiled this port of ROTT using dflemstr's handy little development-environment downloader script. Could someone with a Pandora devboard test my build? Download it here. I put the shareware files in with the archive to make it easier.
Sorry, but I don't remember writing a dev env downloader script.
Very nice, anyways.
Sorry, I meant Cpasjuste. Oops. -_-
I meant this script(up at the very top, toolchain.sh), which downloads the Codesourcery toolchain and a bunch of standard libraries and include files. Very handy, although you need a Linux PC.
This looks like a cool game! I'm guessing some kind of mod of Doom? Hope a Dev can test it!
nobble said:
This looks like a cool game! I'm guessing some kind of mod of Doom? Hope a Dev can test it!
No, Rise of the Triad was an original game made by Apogee. It had a few elements that Doom lacked, like jumping and the ability to walk under suspended platforms. It is quite a fun game.
Quick update: got 800x480 mode working; the older version only ran at 640x480 by default. I spent a the best part of 3 hours tracking down a bug. Out of all the things that could have gone wrong, it tripped up on the loading bar. What really rubbed salt into the wounds was that when I finally found the bug, it turns out that the actual game worked flawlessly at 800x480.
I dont mind running a test on the pandora if you have a binary ready.

Ive actually (after seeing your thread) took a minute to compile it myself. The pandora doesnt like 8 bit at the moment, so converting to 16 bit might be needed.
One strange thing Ive come across in my tests, I can get it to run on the pandora, but not on the gp2x/wiz. It looks like Im getting alignment problems, Ive looked at the gp2x specific source and I cant see any clear differences. I dont understand how it would on pandora and not the wiz/gp2x.

Rise of the Triad Startup Version 1.4
Shareware Version
Z_INIT: 8950000 bytes
IN_Startup: Mouse Present
W_Wad: Wad Manager Started NUMLUMPS=2103
W_GetNumForName: tables not found!

It was a bad pointer alignment:
int     W_CheckNumForName (char *name)
        char    name8[8];
name8 was 9, things need to be in sizes of 4, so 8 did the tricks. I think the old gp2x source had 9, odd. Although the gfx are goofed on the wiz, i think thats a gph SDL problem. I may need to do a surface conversion to 16 bit.
Pickle said:
I dont mind running a test on the pandora if you have a binary ready.

Ive actually (after seeing your thread) took a minute to compile it myself. The pandora doesnt like 8 bit at the moment, so converting to 16 bit might be needed.
I do have a binary ready - it's in the archive in the first post. I'll upload the 800x480 version soon. I'll see about converting to 16-bit, too. Does the Pandora crash when you change into an 8-bit mode?

BTW Chip, it is rendering at 800x480, but it does look a little stretched. I can add an option to render at 640x480 if that's what some people would prefer :)
arrrgh said:
I do have a binary ready - it's in the archive in the first post. I'll upload the 800x480 version soon. I'll see about converting to 16-bit, too. Does the Pandora crash when you change into an 8-bit mode?

Its doesnt crash SDL just doesnt support 8 bit yet, only 16 bit. Ive fixed the wiz version to convert up to 16 bit, should work for the pandora too.
Thanks for this! I've always wanted to play ROTT but never got round to it, so I'll definitely be booting this up on my Pandora :)
Pickle said:
arrrgh said:
Also, I added support for music with Timidity.
huh? timidity music support is through sdl_mixer, whats there to add?
Oops. Music wasn't playing for some reason, just found it's because my SDL was improperly configured -_-
good news found the last convert bug, bad news looks like a problem with the sound effects. Sound is hardcoded at 11025 which doesnt work on the wiz, well I found where to modify it and set it to 44100. That made sound work on the wiz :)
Bad thing is the sound effects are crackly and goofed up, but it works as is on the PC. Sounds like another pointer mis-alignment. Music works fine though.

Ive also added the same control mapping Puck used in his gp2x version, so the game is playable.

Edit: I ran my version on the pandora and it works fine, I didnt add the 800x480, but 640x480 works fine. Of course the sound was perfect, even more proof of some alignment issues for the wiz.

Edit #2. Yes i found the sound alignment problem, stupid thing the good code was commented out and it was using the pointer alignment instead. Lucky find though. Im adding the diags buttons, doesnt seem like they are there. Once thats done I get it out for the wiz