Rf Links

For right now, Bluetooth doesn't have anything useful made for it. RF link however does.

Oh, and "can be used 10 miles away" (on the Lik-Sang RF link) MUST be a lie.
RF link has a range of 10metres max... probably more like 3/4...

i know... RF link has erm... maybe one or two commercial games, a beta of gpengine which not many people have, gpasteroids and erm... :P not much else working/on the horizon...

GPbluetooth has erm... no software so far, but it *looks* a lot nicer, it'll probably have 5-10x longer range, and it has the advantage of having a standard protocol (links to your PC, mobile phone, bluetooth keyboard/mouse/joypad...)

my advice is to wait a while... don't take any notice of my post count/join date... i've been here for years... RFlink is a dead end! truly...
No offence, but i doubt even bluetooth would have a 10 mile range.. my m8's phone can only scan the network for other phones within a distance of a big room.. call it 10 meters or so
I have two RF links and was most disappointed to find that there was no support for them either from Gamepark or any third party developer. I believe Black has written a RF Lib but all attempts at contacting him were futile. So I wrote my own took a whole day to realise it was to slow to do anything useful with.

P.S. Beware of RF Links in UK. They use an illegal frequency.

Toyz 4 Boyz
I have two RF links and was most disappointed to find that there was no support for them either from Gamepark or any third party developer. I believe Black has written a RF Lib but all attempts at contacting him were futile. So I wrote my own took a whole day to realise it was to slow to do anything useful with.

P.S. Beware of RF Links in UK. They use an illegal frequency.

Toyz 4 Boyz

To contact Black is impossible and it will be cool to make a public RFLink lib !
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No offence, but i doubt even bluetooth would have a 10 mile range.. my m8's phone can only scan the network for other phones within a distance of a big room.. call it 10 meters or so
bluetooth class 1 has a range of 10 meters indeed (which is what mobile phones typically have cos it's less power consuming). class 2 is supposed to go up to 100 meters.
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i hope that bluetooth really kicks off.

There hasnt been much support for RF links...

If i was able to, i would send a few Blurtooth adapters to mjor coders

ryleh, yoyo, pirotic, MaTkEuPoN...