Revised Gp2x Hardware? Gp2x As A Music Player


Jan 21, 2006
I got my GP2X about a month ago. The headphone socket is loosely soldered and the joystick fell off and went missing after I'd only had it for a week or so :(

I bought mine off the website- it came with a 1-year guarantee so I'm presuming I will be able to return it for a replacement. Does it matter that I've lost the joystick?

If I get a replacement, I presume it will have the latest firmware installed but has the hardware been improved too? Has the headphone socket issue been resolved and is the joystick more firmly stuck now? Have any other improvements been made to the hardware since the first batch i.e the screen?

If I could make one small improvemt to the GPX2 it would be the addition of an extra sliding switch (just like its power switch) which would turn the screen on/off for when yr using it as a music player and you want to put it in yr pocket. As it stands I would have to have one end (the end with the select button on it) sticking out of whichever pocket and be careful that nothing comes into contact with it or else the screen comes back on. I suppose this could be solved by using a key combination to turn the screen on/off instead of just pushing select.

Is there a musepack (.mpc) player for the GPX2? Any chance of seeing mpc support built into a future firmware?


If I get a replacement, I presume it will have the latest firmware installed but has the hardware been improved too? Has the headphone socket issue been resolved and is the joystick more firmly stuck now? Have any other improvements been made to the hardware since the first batch i.e the screen?
Hardware hasn't been changed, and the screen is brilliant in hardware, just not so good on the software side of things.

If I could make one small improvemt to the GPX2 it would be the addition of an extra sliding switch (just like its power switch) which would turn the screen on/off for when yr using it as a music player and you want to put it in yr pocket. As it stands I would have to have one end (the end with the select button on it) sticking out of whichever pocket and be careful that nothing comes into contact with it or else the screen comes back on. I suppose this could be solved by using a key combination to turn the screen on/off instead of just pushing select.
Try turning the GP2X the other way up in your pocket :P

Is there a musepack (.mpc) player for the GPX2? Any chance of seeing mpc support built into a future firmware?
Not currently. It's supported in the development version of MPlayer, but GPH seem to have crippled it for used on the GP2X and therefore it probably will never be supported unless someone ports a player.
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If I could make one small improvemt to the GPX2 it would be the addition of an extra sliding switch (just like its power switch) which would turn the screen on/off for when yr using it as a music player and you want to put it in yr pocket. As it stands I would have to have one end (the end with the select button on it) sticking out of whichever pocket and be careful that nothing comes into contact with it or else the screen comes back on. I suppose this could be solved by using a key combination to turn the screen on/off instead of just pushing select.
Try turning the GP2X the other way up in your pocket :P

Seriously, it's a lot harder to accidentally press the select button when it is at the bottom of your pocket rather than sticking out the top. I've tried both ways to see which way worked best, and since the top of the pocket has the tightest material, whichever button is there will be accidentally pressed more often than buttons towards the bottom of the pocket.

I actually walked around my entire school with it like that (it was on a weekend, I was running ballots for a drama and debate competition), and the screen never turned back on until I took it out and pressed the select button again.
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I bought mine off the website- it came with a 1-year guarantee so I'm presuming I will be able to return it for a replacement. Does it matter that I've lost the joystick?

I don't know about the guarantee in UK, but I don't think that it is much different than in germany. You have no right for an instant replacement here. You only have a right to let your GP2X be repaired, though. If that fails 3 or more times you can get a replacement.
Just buy one of DaveC's replacement joystick caps. Only ten dollars and it'll be a massive improvement over the original anyway.
I Agree .....using the select button to blank the screen is inadequate and so diminishes the potential to use it as a music player. A lock switch is needed, failing that the firware needs to incorporate some form of security code to permit inadvertent use of the machine

You say they've not updated the hardware but I sincerely hope recently made models don't have the headphone jack problem- that is a badun.

This alternate joystick thats being sold - does it fit and hold perfectly or does it need to be glued on?

I think that, when running the music player a key combinaton which would be impossible to occur accidentally such as holding down both shoulder buttons and then pushing select (or a joystick 'push' maybe) would be a great improvement over the current scheme. Seeing as it wouldn't be so obvious it should be shown on the music player screen how to do it
maybe it did turn on and turn itself back off before you took it out of your pocket ;)

Don't think so, I periodically checked it by tapping on random buttons and those tappings having no effect. Besides, I also tried sitting in a variety of positions, and I could still feel that the select button was not depressed by running my hand along the ouside of my pocket and feeling the lump where it was still sticking up.
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