Well, there are multiple things.
Back then, I was the one posting regular news, updates, congregating all the stuff out there, creating the file archives, etc.
I started as a simple news poster at gp32x.com but did a lot more later on.
I also was the voice of the Pandora stuff, the guy responsible for posting the news, and so on.
These days, I have so much work, I can't find much time for that. Without anyone else doing that... well, no new posts.
Also, back then, the GP32, GP2X and Pandora were simply amazing devices. There wasn't anything else.
Now there are tons of similar devices, the GPD series, the cheap chinese handhelds for Retro Gaming... so yeah, it's not as special anymore and not so exciting.
Then there's the issue that the Pyra has a lot of delays, still eats battery like hell and not so many are delivered yet.
There's still a lot we need to work on to make this all better.
And yes, we're all getting older. A lot of enthusiasm is gone. notaz fixed most of the flaws the Pandora had and optimized it into the fabulous device it was in the end.
notaz has so much these days though that he's not motivated to work on such things. He's still doing fine, but he's not doing any Pyra stuff. Which makes things even harder.
In general, it seems there are not that many developers that want to dive into things. There's a lot to do to fix the Pyra and make things a lot better, but it seems not developer want to work on them.
Which is really sad, as that was what made the Pandora what it was.
I'm trying to keep things going and improve stuff, but I'm no developer. I can't fix anything here myself, I can only organize stuff and beta test things.
Hiring developers is too expensive, and there's not much money to throw around with here.
I really hope this will change and the Pyra will not turn out to be a huge loss and the end of my business

The RK3568 should at least have a lot better support compared to the half-way abandoned OMAP5, so everything should work better out of the box and having more speed and 64bit with less heat would do the Pyra good. Really good.