Repair Support From


Still Fresh
Oct 12, 2006
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I'm going to go ahead and pick up a GP2X in the next few weeks, but prior to doing so I wanted to some feedback. When I buy I'm going to get it from Craig in the UK rather than somewhere like play-asia or lik-sang for two reasons:

1. I don't mind paying the higher price when that money is going to go to someone who gives a lot back to the community.
2. I like knowing that I am guarenteed a 275Mhz unit.

My only concern is living in the US and ordering from the UK in case of issues with the unit. I'm not talking intitally, as Craig tests them, but repair later on. If anyone has and can give me some feedback on the support you got from in the repair process I would appriciate it.
If you have any problems we will usually just replace the unit or repair it if it is a simple problem. These days the GP2Xs rarely fail though, the number of returns is very small. Plus because it is a 275mhz we will test it for the whole day before shipping it anyway so you know it will be cool :)
i have not yet sent my gp2x in yet, but when i have talked with on phone, they have been very nice to answer questions and such.
i would recommend buying from them, since craigix does act alot for the community, plus im willing to bet they are alot easier to deal with than lik-sang for example, in case there is something wrong

i have sent a mail regarding my gp2x which is broken, the problem is however that its a periodic problem, but ill wait till you read the mail :) (sent to standard mail address on
I would only buy from now, from my experience (3 GP32's and 1 GP2X). My last GP32 was from and they tested it and set it up so that everything worked fine, as well as giving me assurances they would sort out any problems that may have (but strangely didn't) arisen.
Ive bought two gp32's (flu & blu) and a gp2x from and couldnt recommend them highly enough, very polite on the phone and a great sevice - its the old saying - "you get what you pay for" and in this case its well worth paying a little extra for, not only the service, but also for what craig puts into the whole scene :)
I had a problem with mine; sent it in and got it back without any problems. Great service. :) The only issue with sending it in from the States would be having to wait a few days extra because of the distance, I'd imagine. ;)
Thanks for the replies- I have a comfort level now and will make my purchase soon- on a side note I've been a gamer for 25 years and been a part of online forums for the past 3, and I'm really impressed with the community here. I posted a thread about support from gp2x distributors at and not 1 reply- thanks again, and i'm looking forward to all this system and the community has to offer.
Yes, buy from CraigiX.

My last GP2x I got from the "Marketplace", had it been bought new I would have used CraigiX again. It is best to pay a bit more for piece of mind, and he contributes a lot to the scene, so deserves it.
I think Anarchy (only for Spain and Portugal) and Craig (sell to anywhere from UK) are good guys . Buy from them. :)

They work for good shops thank god.
