how can i remap the gaming butttons to other things
meandu229 said:how can i remap the gaming butttons to other things
meandu229 said:how can i remap the gaming butttons to other things
meandu229 said:how can i map the y key to one of the gaming buttons, im moving house and dont wanna send m pand away till ive moved and its gettting annoying not having it. i know its possible and searched but couldnt find
meandu229 said:my y key is broken till i send it back id like to map "gaming a" to letter y
I was under the impression that the games and emulators would bind to raw keycodes directly rather than the mapped keysyms.EvilDragon said:There is a hidden file within your home directory... it's called .pndxmodmap (or similar). You can edit that one.
The gaming buttons are mapped to PG UP, PG DOWN, PRIOR and NEXT.
You shouldn't change that, otherwise your games won't work.
meandu229 said:cheeers ed, just tried and somehow managed to remove contents from file, will some nice person upload theirs please
Caine said:I was under the impression that the games and emulators would bind to raw keycodes directly rather than the mapped keysyms.EvilDragon said:There is a hidden file within your home directory... it's called .pndxmodmap (or similar). You can edit that one.
The gaming buttons are mapped to PG UP, PG DOWN, PRIOR and NEXT.
You shouldn't change that, otherwise your games won't work.
Azure said:Sorry to hi-jack, but it's kind of exactly do I set up xfce to use L for left-lick and R for right-click (and preferably permanently; my nubs don't work so well...)?
tokeycode 88 = End XF86_Switch_VT_2 End XF86_Switch_VT_2
keycode 89 = Next XF86_Switch_VT_1 Next XF86_Switch_VT_1
keycode 88 = End y End y
keycode 89 = Y Next Y
meandu229 said:I changed thesetokeycode 88 = End XF86_Switch_VT_2 End XF86_Switch_VT_2
keycode 89 = Next XF86_Switch_VT_1 Next XF86_Switch_VT_1
keycode 88 = End y End y
keycode 89 = Y Next Y
And no luck, ive rebooted, do I need to do anything else?
EvilDragon said:As said: Yes, it is possible by editing the hidden .pndxmodmap file. However, games won't recognize the buttons then anymore...
Should I create a quick keyboard switcher script?
EvilDragon said:As said: Yes, it is possible by editing the hidden .pndxmodmap file. However, games won't recognize the buttons then anymore...
Should I create a quick keyboard switcher script?