Pandora Remake Request: Jumpman for Commodore 64 to PND


Well-Known Member
Jan 16, 2012
Lizard Lick, North Carolina
OK, here's something fun a lot of us will remember if it could be done...

Does anyone here other than me remember the game Jumpman, by Epyx?

If THAT could be done into a .pnd, I'd have hours of fun with it.

I actually already have it on Commodore64, and play it on Vice, but would be nice to have an actual .pnd of this.
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Hum, this doesn't really look like a port request, but more like Game Remake request, which is a bigger project I think...

A port request is when you have a game (or something) else, already running on a different platform and want it to be runnable on the Pandora.
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afaik, theres someone already working on it for quite some time, or at least he mentions it in the irc channel often
i'll let him announce it when and if he wants to. i dont even know if hes working on it
I know that these why-questions can be somewhat annoying, but: Why are you looking forward to a remake when there is (as you already stated) the possibility pf playing it with vice without issues? This is not meant as criticism but asked out of curiosity. You said it would be nice to have it in it's own pnd. Where do you see the benefits? If it's the ability to start it quickly, then you might want to know that you can build pnds, that start an emulator which again directly start a certain game. Though it would make more sense to use one of the game-launchers that do that for you without building PNDs.

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It's the ability to start quickly and have it easy to button start. That's really the main thing, to be perfectly honest.

I personally have not the first clue how to build or code much of anything here...outside of .php I can't code my way out of a paper bag...and even .php is tough for me.
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It's the ability to start quickly and have it easy to button start. That's really the main thing, to be perfectly honest.
You can start using Pandafe. A great UI that provides it. I configured it for C64 games too and can start all games from one UI. Can create favorites, recently played, most played, per platform. 
It's the ability to start quickly and have it easy to button start. That's really the main thing, to be perfectly honest.
 You can start using Pandafe. A great UI that provides it. I configured it for C64 games too and can start all games from one UI. Can create favorites, recently played, most played, per platform. 
Where do you get Pandafe?

And how do you use it?
Hey, PanDafe is pretty dang cool!!

Unfortunately, it does not currently have suppoort for Commodore 64 (Vice) but it DOES supposrt a lot of other platforms, making it very very nice!