Still Fresh
Hey guys; a friend of mine the other day showed me a game that he downloaded for his ipod touch and I think it's brilliant. I know there are many technical differences between the Caanoo and the Ipod Touch... buy I thought maybe u geniouses could come with something nice.
The game is simple... it's just the table with a ball that you have to get into a specific point. You use the accelerimeter in order to move the ball through the table. A nice addition it's that when you move the Ipod, the walls look 3d... they change the perspective of the walls.
The game is simple... it's just the table with a ball that you have to get into a specific point. You use the accelerimeter in order to move the ball through the table. A nice addition it's that when you move the Ipod, the walls look 3d... they change the perspective of the walls.