"Real" Pictures of The Infinium labs 'phantom'

Mar 4, 2003
Im confused, first i though the 'phantom' was a load of bollocks(after looking at This), but now im not so sure:



yes? no? maybe? :blink:
pfff.... any casemodder can make such a phantom box..... I still think this Phantom is one big hoax...... :P

well it sure is dumb-looking, real or not.

Thanks, xbox, for paving the way for the big and stupid aesthetic of today's new game systems. I never thought I'd yearn for the wood-paneled days of 2600's past...
if this is just one big hoax they're spending a lot of money on it, just look at that website. It's made by one of the most famous webdesign studios in the world(2advanced)

we'll see if it's a hoax when they release it later this year..
I'm wondering if that's not the final design. I'm sure most people who are looking for a set-top console won't want a mouse and a keyboard sitting in their living room floor ...
I think it's real, Jeff Minter is putting in a lot of support (baaaaaaaahhhhhhhh!) erm, it's supossed to be a PC with a lot of preinstalled drivers and top notch hardware which runs most PC games out of the box or new games of it's own.

Interesting but unless they get a killer app which will impress Fifa Nuts then it's doomed.
Finally a real photo. Still looks stupid as the renders.

The Phantom is a stupid idea. The whole concept of their "Next Generation Gaming System" is a load of crap.

First of all, the system will cost a whopping 300-400$. Now, as if the console pricetag wasnt a shock, the games themselves will not be sold in stores. Oh no. They will be availiable to download for a "fair price". Not only can you download full version games, you can also download a "rental" version of the games. Is that really all that great? Id rather go down to blockbuster and rent my games rather than spend a day to download it. (Also, can we say lag central? Unless they have about 100 servers going. Just my opinion.)

Now, seeing how the Phantom comes with a 120gig hard drive, just how many games can you put on that? Especially when it comes preloaded with games? The average game will be atleast 5gigs. Can you imagine downloading that? Even on cable that will take several hours. Maybe even a day. They think that everyone who has high-speed access has about a 1meg downstream. That was even the requirement to beta test the Phantom.

I dont think this system will get far. I personally dont like the idea of downloading games that are gonna be near 5gig or larger. I dont like the fact that the system relies on total internet connectivity. Also, what happens when you fill your hard drive? There is no other way to dump games you bought and downloaded. So, if you delete the game, will you have to pay to download again? So many unanswered questions. Someone will crack the system and someone will find a way to distribute the games via other ways.

Did I mention no cd-rom drive? No dvd-rom drive? No nothing?

My two cents.
Most importantly, when you turn it on does is say - "Defenders of the EARTH! (defenders...)"

Well, the cost of the system is going to be $300-400... isn't that how much most of the current systems' MSRP started out at upon their initial release? Hell, the N64 started out at about that much, and it's not as advanced as this system is. And why are you putting down a system that uses the internet to digitally distribute its products when you're using a message board that revolves around a console THAT DOES THE EXACT SAME THING for 99.9% of its products. And how many games can a 120GB hard drive hold? Let's see, if the games are as large as 5GB like you say (which I doubt, DVD games aren't even that big) then 120 / 5 = 60! I personally think being able to hold 60 games is an impressive library. I would hope that they would be smart enough to release an external storage device to hold more games. The 'rental' idea is relatively nice, but I don't see how well it will work unless it uses a time signature to delete itself after so many days.

Infinium Labs is just trying to help keep ushering in the idea of utilizing the Internet for console gaming. This is a concept that has gone back as far as Genesis and SNES (I think it was called XPlay or something like that, something that evolved into MPlayer for the PC), something that is finally working with the latest incarnations of home gaming platforms. Yes, the fact that it completely revolves around having, and using, high speed internet connections may be its downfall, but no one can predict the future for this console.

That was MY 2cents.
It isnt a hoax, its a scam.

They are getting people to invest in their company, there are already heaps of investors, and millions are invested. The company has no office, the one they own is in a red light district and is completely empty.

A hoax is harmless, its obvious these guys are just wanting to rip off investors.