Reading Pnd Documentation With Arora...

Magic Sam

Forever Homebrew
Aug 10, 2007
Yuzu onsen

When you want to read documentation about some PND in the XFCE documentation menu, it uses Arora by default.

It's a good web browser, but it takes some time to start, too much for a single TXT file IMHO...

Wouldn't it be better to use Midori, or just a simple text editor for this ?

Isn't there a $VARIABLE to change the default web browser on the Pandora ?

Bye, Magic Sam
pandora button->settings->xfce settings manager->preferred applications

that do it?

edit: do you have 'debian sensible browser' in the browser list? nevermind it's just arora
Arora is kinda the jack of all trades when opening documents, as it can open html files, txt files, jpg files and anything a browser can normally handle. The downside is having to load a fully fledged browser for that.
There's been discussion on the hf5 wish list to use a lighter program whenever applicable, but the problem came on to how to detect what program to use.
Its configurable in the /etc/pandora/conf files.

Really, what we need is instead of launching Arora, it should run a sh-scrript; that script in turn could inspect the file using 'file' or file-extension and determine an appropriate handler, and invoke that; ie: for straight .txt, could invoke something fast and simple, bug for html, invoke Arora.

I specified Arora for now since it handles everything pretty well.

file -b "$1" | grep -q "ASCII text"

if [ $NOTTEXT -eq 0 ]; then
        mousepad "$1"
        exit 0

arora "$1"

There you go a simple chooser script. I release it to the public domain (just in case somebody asks).
Tested superficially on a RHEL box at work :P. Ascii text gets mousepad, any other gets arora.
urjaman said:
file -b "$1" | grep -q "ASCII text"

if [ $NOTTEXT -eq 0 ]; then
        mousepad "$1"
        exit 0

arora "$1"

There you go a simple chooser script. I release it to the public domain (just in case somebody asks).
Tested superficially on a RHEL box at work :P . Ascii text gets mousepad, any other gets arora.
No offence, I would go with (shorter, yet more futur proof :) ) :
case $(file -b "$1") in 
ASCII *)  mousepad "$1";; 
*)        arora "$1";;
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If all you need is a quick html reader, you might want to use uzbl:

It's just webkit in a window and nothing else.
It could also be easily extended (with scripts) to support any features people wanted in a doc reader.