Reader 2x, New Version


Jun 9, 2008
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Hello friends,

I want to present to you a new version of the ebook reader !Reader 2x for the GP2X console. This is an improved port of an GP32 reader application. This version 0.86 have a lot of newness and corrections.

- optimized painting in native pixel format.
- fixed file dialog bug with large filenames.
- detect loading not existent files from recent option.
- fix when last saved path not exist, use app path.
- improve pdf memory management and stability.
- fixed html special characters interpreting bug.
- root mounting path rectriction deactivated.
- manage ascii85 and asciihex codifications in pdf.
- spanish and english language selection.

Any comment about the program is welcomed.
I hope you like it. :rolleyes:
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I think I asked before; your rtf reader and other parts are closed source or encumbered right?

One of these days I'm going to write a open source PDF->RTF converter, since the ones out there seem to suck or cost too much :P

(hell, since all useful ebook stores only sell encumbered PDFs and such, should just write a screen-capper with OCR :/)

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The source code is private because is an official port of a closed source program.
Like I answer you before, you have open source code of a RTF reader in the MSDN.

If you want to convert PDF to RTF manually is easy:
- Open the pdf file in Acrobat Reader
- Select all the text, or the text you want to convert.
- Use the option copy or "copy with format".
- Open MsWord, AbiWord or other editor.
- Use "special paste > RTF", and save in RTF format.
"Copy with format"? I'll take a look.

In the past I just opened it up, seldect-all, ctrl-c (unformatted) and pasted into whatever. Big old mess :) (bad line and paragraph breaks.)

Thanks for the tip.

(Sorry to off-topic you, _again_ :)

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This is a top reader - very nice.

Are there limits to what PDFs it can display (sizewise, perhaps)? Obviously it shows text only, so that's cool, but I tried a couple of times to load a ~9MB PDF last night, and it seemed to (alternatively) hang* or crash back to the "desktop".

Wishful thinking on my part? Should I just convert it back to a text-only format (like I usually do)?

Again though, a very nice reader.

*unless it takes more than 30 mins to load, in which case I'm just not patient enough
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Downloaded, will give the new version a try. Thanks :)
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QUOTEAre there limits to what PDFs it can display (sizewise, perhaps)? Obviously it shows text only, so that's cool, but I tried a couple of times to load a ~9MB PDF last night, and it seemed to (alternatively) hang* or crash back to the "desktop".

Wishful thinking on my part? Should I just convert it back to a text-only format (like I usually do)?

PDF support is better but not works with all files. PDF is a format very complex to interpret. I don't recommend to load files bigger than 10 Mb, because is slow and the text is adjusted to the screen in memory. The recommeded format is RTF, because is easy to load and you can see things like bold, italic, some font sizes, and paragraphs.
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I've now downloaded Reader2X but can't wait to try it. Left my GP2X at home and I'm away for the weekend with the laptop. Oooo, the wait is killing me! :(
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First time post here, so please forgive me if I'm breaking etiquette here. I recently downloaded Reader2x, and I'm fairly impressed with its capabilities, but a few things stand out.

-Pagination is broken when the title bar is disabled. Using a regular text file, the program would always skip a line between "pages" unless the title bar was enabled. Strangely, if the title bar is enabled, the last line on one page will also appear as the first line on the next page.

-The page advance/reverse controls are a little fiddly. Both using the shoulder buttons and D-pad, I frequently encountered instances in which I advanced two pages accidentally. I wasn't holding the button or D-pad down noticeably.

-I wasn't able to get PDBs to load using any random PDB from Project Gutenberg: Are they a different type of PDB than those supported?

-Unicode doesn't seem to be supported in html. I was seeing a lot of "&" and """ instances.

And a couple of feature requests:

-Custom fonts. I'd be happy even if it meant I had to compile the thing myself.

-Wider font size choices. Bigger and smaller. I've got a few fonts that display great at 8pt, for instance.

-Portrait mode display option. I don't know what it is, but I'm more comfortable reading text off a small display if it's in a portrait layout - as it would appear in a standard paperback novel.
Thanks for you comments and testing of Reader2x. I'm working in a new version and fixing some bugs. I have to review and test the things that you say in the program. I can answer to you some things now.

- Only Palmdoc PDB's are supported in current version, they can have many subformats.
- Common HTML symbols are supported in the last version for GP2X (0.86).

I promise to study the request features: fonts, sizes, and portrait mode.
Hi, I realise this is now a pretty old thread, but....

I used to use reader2x on the gp32 and it's a really nicely designed app. Problem I'm having on the Wiz is that it only seems to show up to around 120 files per folder.

If there is any chance of this being fixed it would be perfect for my needs. I have the full gamefaqs / game synopsis etc. for all games in the ressurection xtras collection, all nicely zipped and ready to work with reader2x, but it's only possible to read a small portion of the files for each system.

Fingers crossed on this one. Many thanks for your efforts, Hardyx :)
I have to research this file limit in the source code and fix some things. I think this works like the GP32 version.
Thanks for your comments.
Hey Hardyx, thanks for your reply.

I realised after I posted that this thread was in the gp32/2x section - it is in fact the Wiz version I am referring to (although I imagine you would be able to patch both versions if you find a solution?).

If you need any help testing or anything let me know - it would be lovely to have this fixed.
frolik said:
Hey Hardyx, thanks for your reply.

I realised after I posted that this thread was in the gp32/2x section - it is in fact the Wiz version I am referring to (although I imagine you would be able to patch both versions if you find a solution?).

If you need any help testing or anything let me know - it would be lovely to have this fixed.

It works really well with .txt files. I hope this gets PDF support sometime in the future!
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