Raindrops Keep Falling On My Hat...


Still Fresh
Mar 23, 2009
Hi! I just wanted to ask if there will be some testing to ensure the relative waterproofness of the Pandora. Of course, I dont expect it to survive a diving trip in the fish tank, but i wonder if there will be some testing to simulate some rain. After all this is a portable device and weather control isnt built in (yet).
So question is: will the Pandora survive a mild exposure to fluids or will the chemical fire of a bursting Li-Ion battery be the last 3d effect I am able to enjoy?

Edit: typo
Seeing as how we don't have a final Pandora case yet, I see no way for them to have tested for this yet. Additionally, seeing has how the case is designed to be opened by the end-user for hacking purposes. I suspect that waterproofing isn't a high priority. My advice, treat your Pandora like a Mogwai. Don't get it wet, and don't feed it after midnight.
I think this would apply in a case like this:
Just in case, have that bookmarked!
If you want to use it in the rain just put it in a plastic baggie, like you would any other sensitive electronic device.
Seeing as how we don't have a final Pandora case yet, I see no way for them to have tested for this yet.

know that. just wondered whether if this gets tested once a unit is fully assembled.

If you want to use it in the rain just put it in a plastic baggie, like you would any other sensitive electronic device.

Of course. As said I think noone plans to drown the Pandora in the next river, yet I think its an ok question to ask if the Pandora can resist a few raindrops or splash water like other portable gear (cameras, cell phones, etc)
i would rather want a Air Humidity Test.

ive seen tons of electronics work amazingly well on dry areas and when taken to humid places they just fail fatally in a simple bang.

anyway, i expect the OP to be as Water proof as the DS.

it usually survives raindrops over the external shape, yet the ports and openings will be a mayor danger for it (thos 2 huge SD card openings).
Yeah, it would be wise to put a little flap over them, like on floppy drives.
Yep. thats what im talking about :)
I'm a little worried too about the gap (if any) between the lcd and the actual case. However if the OP can withstand like a DS than that's perfectly fine to me.
I'm thinking of sending mine to these guys:


Need to have a finished product for them to evaluate a picture of, and its not a big priority until I take the Pandora down the Grand Canyon :)


What about explosion protection? will the pandora be tested with C4? I'm part of a IDE and mine clearance company in afghanistan so there's usually shrapnel flying everywhere so I'd like to know if the Pandora would cope under these conditions :ph34r:
XD maybe if you buy the super special platinum delux ultimate Case, made up of Kevlar covered in neoprene and shaped with a Boron Composite Plates, plus a screen protector of Ballistic Polycarbon as if it wasnt enough they shield it against EMP EMC and Gamma Radiation.

and if you preorder now they let you choose colors so Pre-order Now!
DroneB Dev said:
i would rather want a Air Humidity Test.

ive seen tons of electronics work amazingly well on dry areas and when taken to humid places they just fail fatally in a simple bang.

anyway, i expect the OP to be as Water proof as the DS.

it usually survives raindrops over the external shape, yet the ports and openings will be a mayor danger for it (thos 2 huge SD card openings).
Technically rain should not be electrolytic (and therefore not conductive at all), but I don't think that happens in reality due to impurities in our air.
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rabidpoobear said:
DroneB Dev said:
i would rather want a Air Humidity Test.

ive seen tons of electronics work amazingly well on dry areas and when taken to humid places they just fail fatally in a simple bang.

anyway, i expect the OP to be as Water proof as the DS.

it usually survives raindrops over the external shape, yet the ports and openings will be a mayor danger for it (thos 2 huge SD card openings).
Technically rain should not be electrolytic (and therefore not conductive at all), but I don't think that happens in reality due to impurities in our air.

Well, not to be anal, but technically even pure H2O is electrolytic, just not very much. Enough Hydrogen and Oxygen atoms are in a state of separation that they provide conductivity.
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I'd say the worries are getting water in the LCD unit and perhaps getting water covering the battery contacts if they're close enough together. But in general I'd say if you're caught in a rain storm, turn it off and close the lid.

Water isn't as lethal to electronics as people think though. I've fixed a Playstation that got thoroughly doused in bathwater while running before now. Luckily, nothing in the PSU went bang, and the only thing that needed replacing was the main power switch, and since then the machine's been running fine. Water is bad for PCs but I guess that's because you've got 12V power running about all over the place, plus components that get to pretty high temperatures inside there, and moving parts in various cooling fans, not to mention the voltages inside the PSU. None of that applies to handheld electronics.
All right. just wondered if there will be some testing for that (as for the occasional drop) since all I could find about the testing was the 48h burn in test or w/e. I guess its pretty clear one should handle the OP with care like any other electronic, portable device and I dont suggest that every OP shall be shmashed against the next best concrete wall and drowned in a bucket of water. As said just curious if theres a place in the testing for that.
rabidpoobear said:
BackAssward said:
rabidpoobear said:
Technically rain should not be electrolytic....
Well, not to be anal, but technically even pure H2O is electrolytic...

Rain is not typically pure H2O as water in clouds condensates around particulate matter (cloud condensation nuclei) in the atmosphere. So, rain should be much more conductive than distilled water. How much more so depends on what the condensation nuclei was composed of - which relates to a corresponding change in PH.

But, the real question is... Will it blend?
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puppydee said:
What about explosion protection? will the pandora be tested with C4? I'm part of a IDE and mine clearance company in afghanistan so there's usually shrapnel flying everywhere so I'd like to know if the Pandora would cope under these conditions

No time for game, soldier!!!

Your top priority is to cope with Taliban.... to protect ....


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