Quoting no longer (easily) possible without Javascript


Advanced Member
May 5, 2013
On the Pandora I mainly use Dillo, simply because it is much faster than other choices. One of the reasons for it's speed obviously is that it doesn't implement Javascript at all. Nonetheless it did work quite well with the previous version of the board software. After some tweaking of the user style sheet the new board is mostly functional, too. One regression is quoting. In the old version the quote button was an actual link that requested the edit page with quoting information filled in from the server (for multi quoting I opened several of these in different tabs and copied the interesting parts together). In the new version the quote button is just a Javascript link (I haven't debuged whether the script still does a request to the server or computes everything on the client). Therefore I would have to fill out the quoting information myself (which is possible, but I'm too lazy to do that). It would be nice, if the board would provide a server based quoting feature again (possible wrapped in a NOSCRIPT block as is already done for the editing textarea).
I checked that - but unfortunately it doesn't seem to be an easy task... the quote needs to get into the editor somehow. No idea how that was handled before.

If someone who knows better than me what he's doing could help out here, I'd be happy :)
On other boards I've used and hacked, the quote button passes the post id as a GET argument to the quoting cgi script.  That script generates a fresh text area prepopulated with the contents of that post.
Well, here, it needs to pass the quote to CKEditor, which is already loaded when you are viewing the posts.
Yes, it would only be possible if IPB would provide a quoting mechanism similar to the editing one (which does request a new page from the server with the editor initialized to the text to be edited).

Since there is some support for non-JS posting already and editing is supported, too, I was just hoping that IPB still had support for non-JS quoting. If it hasn't it isn't the end of the world (only the end of quotes for me:-)
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Well, here, it needs to pass the quote to CKEditor, which is already loaded when you are viewing the posts.

If you're not running JS, you don't get the CKEditor, just a textarea defined inside the NOSCRIPT element.

You'd need differently targetted quote links if no scripts are enabled; currently as you say it's a bit of javascript which populated the already loaded CKEditor at the bottom with quote content.  Instead it'd need to be a simple link that points at a cgi bin file which generates a form containing just the textarea and the normal submit button (and any other hidden elements the form uses to identify itself, I guess).

I wouldn't recommend that you try to tie it into the IP board too much; just by importing the same css and a few of the appropriately named divs should be enough to get it looking a bit like part of the boards, but actually it contains nothing board specific apart from the thread id (which your cgi file will have got from either a GET or hidden POST argument).

Edit1: Doesn't look like there are any hidden elements; must be handled through the submit button name, which includes the thread id.  FWIW, the non-JS edit screen is chock full of hidden form elements though.

Edit2: And it may be that the non-JS edit box doesn't work.  Just me?
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I can easily add custom css and html code into the theme, so they won't break with an update.
So if someone can help me doing it, we can try :)
The non-JS editing box does work, that is it works if the JS editing box is empty which it isn't when editing a post:-)

For added fun the JS textarea is also made invisible by default. I worked around that by making the JS textarea visible using user css and emptying it manually (or directly editing the HTML version in the JS editor field for better exploitation of board security holes; just kidding)
After the upgrade the problem seems to remain (but at least editing without JS has been fixed).