Quick, Dirty Little Hack To Make Race! (ngpc) Fullscreen


That Guy!
Jul 19, 2003
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This is very much a WIP, I'm going to do this a little better then upload the code to cvs when I get time, but for now I'm sure this will interest some of you...

I did a small hack to RACE! to make it switch to fullscreen when you press the R button, you can't make it normal size again after (like I said WIP) but this will come soon. Maybe some other various little plus' too *shrugs* if I get around to it.

Just drop this race file in among the RACE dir from the version on the archives and have fun ;)

Have a good one!
TJ Hooka

P.S. Wolf3D is on temporary standby until I work out problems with 8bit palette changing in SDL, or someone does... but I probably will have it's code a little cleaned up with extra's added for when I can get it to compile with something other than what looks like a C64 palette :P

P.P.S. Should be a new interview soon.
I've noticed that Ganbare Neo Poke Kun doesn't seem to save. If you could I would either like to see save states added (even if for just 1 slot) or make sure that Ganbare Neo Poke Kun saves.

anyway thanks for the full screen hack. im gonna try it out when i get get home.
Very nice :). I must say, I'll probably await the full on release before upgrading (Race was tough enough to get to work in the first palce lol!) but it's good to hear there's still development being done. Not that it needs much :D
jbrodak: are you just turning off the GP2X or are you using L+R to quit? I could add a sync() command to the SRAM writes, hopefully without introducing any lag, but who knows.