GP32 Questions


I have a few questions:

1) Is there a documentation of the GCC ARM Assembler? ( I guess I could just run GPP on my C++ source and study the output if there arent any )

2) Where did Mr.Mirko get the info to write new hardware routines?

3) Where can I find a Bz2 unpacker for Windows? ( WinRAR does not work )

I need a basic documentation of the instructions for the GCC Assembler, if possible, I'd like an ARM friendly version. ( I'm sure there are some commands/whatever that won't compile for ARM )
Well, the ASM instruction set is different for each processor architecture. There's an arm assembler manual out there, I'm pretty sure it's available at spiv's page, too.
WinRAR can handle bz2 archives... if you want to make it work, try to rename the bz2 archive into archivename.tar.bz2 B) You'll able to open it in WinRAR (be sure you have at least version 3)

About the documentation... I'm also looking for it, coz I've already posted a topic where I was searching for volunteers to make a robust reference also for undocumented functions in the "GP32 SDK Api Reference", like GpClockSpeedChange()...
If you find it, please lemme know :)

Actually, I already have the ARM instruction set manual ( it hasnt done me much good though, as I dont plan on writing in machine code ).

I am looking for a manual/documentation/reference/tutorial for AS.EXE.

...Thanks for your tip on uncompressing the bz2 archive. :D