Question For Op


Mar 28, 2009
I mean from what I read on here you guys have a fair bit of dealings with GPH. Have you thought about approaching them and getting them to take you under their wing.

If the pandora was shelved to ship I would've bought 3 this year..One for me and my 2 brothers. But MASSIVE geeks like me, even are a bit apprehensive about paying up front then waiting ages.

Sure you may have to give half your business to GPH...but surely if you sold 4 times as many pandas you'd still be making twice as much.

And sure GPH don't seem to be the greatest company from variou moans on here but still this is totally teir area.

I have a dream...where our generation can buy pandas with a standard 3-7 shipping
GPH were originally approached with the Pandora idea and apparently weren't interested.

I beleive they turned down the team, as they originally went to them with their idea. Instead, they have released the same device 3 times in a row, with little to no support for the new features that they added to help squeeze a few extra pennies out of the public.

The Pandora could have used a better and more established company like GPH, but their visions are stuck in reverse, and they could really care less about this communities opinions. I would rather see my time and money go down the drain with OP trying something new, and trying their best to deliver what the majority would like in a console like this, than to ever give GPH another dime of my money.

But maybe that's just me! :P

I did not know OpenPandora approached GPH. Do you guys mean they approached GPH with comments and suggestion as to what GPH's consoles should be like? I don't think that is what zRichi was thinking.

Anyway, i don't think OpenPandora can approach GPH any more. I think Craig burned that bridge long ago. And I think many might take this suggestion as an insult. hehe

Very different markets and market segments. I don't think GPH is interested in making a handheld that costs as much as Pandora does and they're probably not very interested in the overall design either.
Exophase said:
Very different markets and market segments. I don't think GPH is interested in making a handheld that costs as much as Pandora does and they're probably not very interested in the overall design either.
They are definetly not interested. The original design I did that you liked (slide up screen) was shown to them. All they basically said is they don't like it. They said they would have liked it better if we took out the keyboard, shrunk the screen size to 3.5" and resolution down to 320 x 240, and stuck the speakers on the back (Ok last part is a joke).

They seem to just like the simplest cheapest thing possible.
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