MP3 player beta and windups

true karma

Mar 24, 2003
I realise this is a known issue, but I was wondering why the MP3 player beta doesn't load directly from within Wind-ups?, I'm using the multi-firmware version, so the bugs in FXE loading in the original have been fixed, and the player does actually load, the screen is just scrambled. I just found it weird that Pacrom seems to load it fine, as does GPFM from within windups, anyone know the reason/s?
It has always worked on my wind-ups (multifw version), which beta do you have?
Yeah beta 3 works fine, it's just this site had beta 2 for download in the media players section, so I assumed it was the latest version
FWIW, beta2 crashed on me upon startup one day... I found deleting one of the mp3s in the mp3 folder fixed it. This was with original firmware / free launcher. Foolishly I didn't note what aspect of the mp3 was causing the crash.