Question about emulators


Still Fresh
Jul 29, 2003
Oklahoma, USA
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I know I have to download specific GP32 emulators, but do I have to have a certian type of rom? Can I just use the same roms as I use on my computer? If not, is there a program that can convert them to the correct filetype? Thanks in advance. :)
Short Answer: Same ROM.

Long Answer: The way an emulator works is that it "acts" like the hardware it is emulating, effectively intercepting machine-level commands found within the ROM image and translating them on-the-fly. The reason we call it an emulator and not an interpretor is because the latter acts like software, while the former acts like hardware.

[EDIT] Oh, and if you're using PC-Link, you need to make sure your filenames are at most 8 characters. Some emulators also have specific needs too, like SNES9xGP can only search the GPMM directory for ROMs, while fSMS looks in GPMM/SMS [/EDIT]
Ok, thanks. I have one more question. Do I have to put the emulator onto the same SMC as the roms? Or, would it be easier to put the emulator on the system's internal memory and roms on the SMC? Sorry if these are dumb questions, I don't know much about the GP32. I don't even own one yet.
all that remains in the GP32's internal memory is the firmware - so yes, you need to have all your emu's/roms/mp3's/porn on the same SMC. you can have more than 1 card though and have different things on them (though I've not yet felt the need to shell out for a second one)

note, there is one exception to the "rom format" thing - the emulator Xcade needs special format roms to play it's games, the download comes with a converter tool for it though. obviously, this is pertinent only if you intend to use this particular emu, it's not been the case with any others yet (xcade runs some old arcade games: pacman, mspac, space invaders, donkey kong, a few others)

also to note - only a few of the emulators support zipped roms so far (GPengine, fMSX32, maybe a couple of the NES and SMS ones.. not sure off the top of my head)
I like ur honesty ralp99 ;)

I put star wars on my smc, got almost no space, i need a new chip.
I read somewhere along time ago before I got my gp32, that it had 8mb static memory. Where in the hell is my static memory damn it?!