Quake Gp2x


May 28, 2006
United Kingdom
I'm not sure if I have all the right files for Quake on the GP2X, heres what I have in my Quake folder (on the gp2x):


On the readme it said "and mod folders go into the quake folder alongside id1". What mod files are those and do they go in the id1 folder or in the quake folder alongside quake.gpe?

When I run it on my GP2X, it sais:
"Couldn't find EXEC config.cfg"
"Couldn't find EXEC autoexec.cfg"
"3 demo (s) in loop"

Mod folders are folders containing Quake mods.

The errors are normal, just press start.

It goes to the Quake menu when I press start but I can't select any options. What button do I press to choose the options?

Edit: Nevermind, the Control Pad Click does it. Thanks alot :D

I havn't been able to get Duke 3D working either.
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On a semi-related note, is anyone still maintaining the Quake port to the GP2X? I (and the rest of my team) have 2 games planned after Stargazer utilizing the Quake engine, so it'd be nice if it were optimized to run at the speed I was told before its release. The plan also involved using the 940T to aid the 920T in rendering each frame with scanline interleaving (SLI) or split-frame rendering-- if that's even been proven to be feasible on the 940T by now, I don't know but sort of doubt due to the memory/cache issues. At any rate, I am sure there is more optimization that could be done to squeeze out more performance.
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On a semi-related note, is anyone still maintaining the Quake port to the GP2X? I (and the rest of my team) have 2 games planned after Stargazer utilizing the Quake engine, so it'd be nice if it were optimized to run at the speed I was told before its release. The plan also involved using the 940T to aid the 920T in rendering each frame with scanline interleaving (SLI) or split-frame rendering-- if that's even been proven to be feasible on the 940T by now, I don't know but sort of doubt due to the memory/cache issues. At any rate, I am sure there is more optimization that could be done to squeeze out more performance.
Maintaining, yes (bug fixing if anyone reports any). Optimising, no (not that I know of anyway). If you want your games to run fast then you'll either have to work within the limitations of the current version or optimise the engine yourself. The 2x version runs at the same speed as all other 200mhz devices without special hardware, so to get it going any faster you're going to have to try and use some of the other hardware if you can. I have no time to try this myself.
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On a semi-related note, is anyone still maintaining the Quake port to the GP2X? I (and the rest of my team) have 2 games planned after Stargazer utilizing the Quake engine, so it'd be nice if it were optimized to run at the speed I was told before its release. The plan also involved using the 940T to aid the 920T in rendering each frame with scanline interleaving (SLI) or split-frame rendering-- if that's even been proven to be feasible on the 940T by now, I don't know but sort of doubt due to the memory/cache issues. At any rate, I am sure there is more optimization that could be done to squeeze out more performance.
Maintaining, yes (bug fixing if anyone reports any). Optimising, no (not that I know of anyway). If you want your games to run fast then you'll either have to work within the limitations of the current version or optimise the engine yourself. The 2x version runs at the same speed as all other 200mhz devices without special hardware, so to get it going any faster you're going to have to try and use some of the other hardware if you can. I have no time to try this myself.

How did that idea to render at 160x120 and scale up to 320x240 pan out? Was it attempted?..
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How did that idea to render at 160x120 and scale up to 320x240 pan out? Was it attempted?..
It was implemented ages ago, but it's just a simple hack using the hardware to scale everything (so the menu and status bar look like crap and are barely usable). If you're doing a mod then I suppose you could use graphics optimised for 160x120 and it would look ok. 240x180 is a better size to use though. Nice and fast, but everything still looks fairly normal. Pass -width and -height parameters on the command line and you can play around with any size you like.
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