Qt 4.7.1 For Caannoo + Qcheckers


Still Fresh
Oct 31, 2010
Qt 4.7.1 for caanoo a ready.
UPD: for fix touchscreen support problem do this:
You must download file http://dev.emulate.su/downloads/qt471-caanoo/v11-release/ts.zip and unpack it contents of it into sd card. There are one folder. And now there are new structure on SD card:

If you read this, and you downloading first time, you dont must do this: now archive updated and ts directory already in archive.

You may download it and see instructions here: http://dev.emulate.su/projects/qt-4.7.1-caanoo (English text below).
Updates will be available in those adress. Right now, works all but OpenGL (there are wrong display color depth definitions).
And some games, and webbrowser (there are already ready and compiled) coming soon — I will release all or them, if you report about successful running QCheckers as a test game.
So, I im:
1. wait for report about succesfull running Qt program.
2. will release webbrowser and others programs.
This post - is preparing step, platform for start of porting and writing Qt apps.

Installing is easy:
1. Download last package qt4.7.1 for caanoo
2. Unpack contents of directory caanoo-sd-card (qt dir and ts.conf-input file) into root of SD-card. So, qt now installed in /mnt/sd/qt/lib.
OK, thats all. You may run Qt-based games right now.
For check you may download test game — QCheckers. This is classic checkers game with AI. For running this, create qtgames (or other) on SD-card? and unpack archive contents here. Don't unpack it into games or apps — there are no .ini file in current QCheckers game. Choose Explorer in console menu, and run QCheckers.gpe. Thats all. You may download games and run it over Explorer, or with Games menu — if developer create .ini file and icon.
Qt distributed over LGPL license.

Sorry for poor english, I hope of you understand me=).
Готова версия Qt 4.7.1.
Это первая версия, в которой не глючит тачскрин и выдаётся нормальное изображение, соответсвенно, можно объявлять релиз.
Вы можете скачать её, а также просмотреть инструкции по установке тут http://dev.emulate.su/projects/qt-4.7.1-caanoo
Также по этому адресу в дальнейшем будут выкладываться обновления.
У меня есть уже готовые (скомпилированные и работающие) браузер на основе webkit, а также ряд игр. А также есть простор для дальнейшего портирования. Единcтвенное, что меня останавливает от релиза - отчёты, что всё установлено иработает правильно. То есть если у вас заработала тестовая игра (QCheckers), пишите, я жду.
Если же нет - будем разбираться, в чём дело. Работающие библиотеки - ключ к работающим программам. Если Вам нужен браузер, Вам не обойтись без этого шага.
Лично у меня всё работает, кроме OpenGL (прошивка 1.5).
Qt распространяется по лицензии LGPL.
Cool!- looking forward to this... I tried it out and it runs but I can't control it and the screen orientation is wrong. Firmware 1.5.0.

phungp said:
Cool!- looking forward to this... I tried it out and it runs but I can't control it and the screen orientation is wrong. Firmware 1.5.0.

It works! Good!
It not a Bug - it a feature (90 dergrees rotation)! You may change orientation of all programs on .gpe file:
export QWS_DISPLAY="Transformed:LinuxFb:mmWidth=142:mmHeight:104:Rot90"
Ro90, Rot180, Rot270 is right values.
Just drag window by title or doubleclick on it. And window will stays into normal position.
phungp said:
I can't control it and the screen

Stop! Touchscreen not works?
Can you change thirs by wond row in QChechers.pge script?
Write there:
./QCheckers -fn helvetica -decoration windows -qws >out.txt 2>errors.txt
run it again and write please contains of txt files.
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OK, I see problem, and now in the archive problem is fixed. There are not founded /mnt/sd/ts directory.
You must download file http://dev.emulate.su/downloads/qt471-caanoo/v11-release/ts.zip and unpack it contents of it into sd card. There are one folder. And now there are new structure on SD card:

Could the next Caanoo firmware be updated so that you don't have to copy those folder on the SD card to run Qt apps?

Would be great...
This is awsome, I suggested this for the Wiz a while back. Any chance you can compile Qt for that handheld as well? Anyway, thank you for your great work!!!
kouky said:
Could the next Caanoo firmware be updated so that you don't have to copy those folder on the SD card to run Qt apps?

Would be great...
I dont know. But there are bug in display color depth defenition, and i think, in the firmwares this bug may be done. But! There are 100 Mb in the nand drive, and Qt are 30 Mb minimum disk space, so i think, there are problems in putting Qt to the firmware.

Orion4874 said:
This is awsome, I suggested this for the Wiz a while back. Any chance you can compile Qt for that handheld as well? Anyway, thank you for your great work!!!
Port for Wiz in process=) I dont have Wiz, but in Russian forum http://wiz.rusbase.net/forum/viewtopic.php?t=616&start=15 we trying to cooperate and do it for Wiz. This is not hard work.
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ainu said:
Orion4874 said:
This is awsome, I suggested this for the Wiz a while back. Any chance you can compile Qt for that handheld as well? Anyway, thank you for your great work!!!
Port for Wiz in process=) I dont have Wiz, but in Russian forum http://wiz.rusbase.net/forum/viewtopic.php?t=616&start=15 we trying to cooperate and do it for Wiz. This is not hard work.

Excellent, that is music to my ears! Btw, QCheckers runs fine.
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Man, this is good news. I might have to pull the trigger soon enough and get a Caanoo just for this! Could someone fill me in on the status of this: was there supposed to be an GPH/official port of Qt? Or is this 'official'/best supported? I've seen news items from several people working separately on this, if I'm not wrong. (but I could be since I haven't followed that intently)

EDIT: Oh, could someone point me to/write a crosscompilation guide for this? I'm on archlinux, so a guide that uses QtCreator for everything would be best, thanks :)
klikklak said:
Man, this is good news. I might have to pull the trigger soon enough and get a Caanoo just for this! Could someone fill me in on the status of this: was there supposed to be an GPH/official port of Qt? Or is this 'official'/best supported? I've seen news items from several people working separately on this, if I'm not wrong. (but I could be since I haven't followed that intently)

EDIT: Oh, could someone point me to/write a crosscompilation guide for this? I'm on archlinux, so a guide that uses QtCreator for everything would be best, thanks :)

This is NOT official port. And youtube video, that we seen some time ago, contains another version of Qt (4.6). But this is version 4.7.1. And, i think there are not free disk space on nand disk for full Qt - it size is too big. Anyway, any versions of binaries are compatible. For example, QCheckers compiled with earlier Qt 4.6.

For quide, there are instruction in the project page, but in russian. My english is poor, but i try to write it in english, or make screencast later. In fact, it very simple:
1. download SDK (lib+includes+mkspecs) from project page.
2. You need utils for compiling (qmake, uic, moc). For that, download Qt from official site or from repositories and compile/install qmake util fou . And there are ready for use qmake for ubuntu and cygwin in the project page.
I think, best way for do utils for archlinux is compiling you own binaries. For this:
1. download Qt for embedded linux from oficial site;
2. unpack it
3. change mkspec/qws/linux-arm-g++/qmake.conf by writing some like next (according paths to you toolchain):
QMAKE_CC = arm-gph-linux-gnueabi-gcc
QMAKE_CXX = arm-gph-linux-gnueabi-g++
QMAKE_LINK = arm-gph-linux-gnueabi-g++
QMAKE_LINK_SHLIB = arm-gph-linux-gnueabi-g++
QMAKE_INCDIR =/caanoo/arm-gph-linux-gnueabi/sys-root/usr/include
QMAKE_LIBDIR =/caanoo/arm-gph-linux-gnueabi/sys-root/usr/lib
# modifications to linux.conf
QMAKE_AR = arm-gph-linux-gnueabi-ar cqs
QMAKE_OBJCOPY = arm-gph-linux-gnueabi-objcopy
QMAKE_STRIP = arm-gph-linux-gnueabi-strip
QMAKE_INCDIR_EGL =/caanoo/arm-gph-linux-gnueabi/sys-root/usr/include
QMAKE_LIBDIR_EGL =/caanoo/arm-gph-linux-gnueabi/sys-root/usr/lib
QMAKE_LIBS_EGL = -lopengles_lite
4. try to do this:
./configure -embedded arm -opensource -xplatform qws/linux-arm-g++ -little-endian -host-little-endian -prefix /mnt/sd/qt && make
Wait while there are files qmake, moc, uic in the qt-sources-dir/bin. Then, stop compiling, and just copy it to /usr/bin or /bin in your system. qmake is Makefile- generating program, and for options it uses mkspecs directory.

3. when qmake works fine, replace Qt for libraries and includes for your system by libraries and includes in SDK.
4. and for crosscompile any program, simple run "qmake -spec /mnt/sd/qt/mkspecs/qws/linux-arm-g++ && make", and you will see ready-for-use binary.
Also, you may try to use some environment variables, you may found this information in Qt official site, but about me, I dont use any variables.
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Can anybody have Wi-fi dingle? I havent, but I need a beta tester for report if webbrowser works well.
kayuz said:
seems that ainu isn't anymore here :(
It's not true, I'm still here =)

But old site is down, mirror link to Qt is published in our Russian forum:
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And after all I advise try to compile new Qt 4.7.4 with many fixes. It not impossible.
:D :D AINU!!! FANTASTIC! you're here!! :D :D :D
let's we know, what you are trying to port? the latest version of QT?