Python And Pygame Beta 1 Released


Certified Guru
Sep 25, 2005
First beta of python and pygame for the GP2X console.

Copy the python folder to the root of your SD card

I've included some very small test programs to get you started.

You should launch your pygame programs with a script like:
        export PYTHONHOME

        export LD_LIBRARY_PATH

        /mnt/sd/python/python /mnt/sd/mygame/ > /mnt/sd/mygame_output.txt 2>&1

        cd /usr/gp2x

Known Issues:
* multiple copies of libs - will be trimmed later
* joystick reports events as buttons, not axis

More Info:

IRC: theoddbot and illume in #gp2x on EFNet

Grab it from:

It is extremely unlikely that any existing PyGame programs will work without modification

Now, let the fun begin :)
So, how much easier would pygame be compared to SDL? I don't have time to check up on Pygame right now so if someone could just give me some simple descriptions to help me understand the basics of the language I'd be happy. Or a link to a single page with this info. Not a lot of info, just the very basics. Oh and a simple comparison to SDL would be nice. Thanks :)

Oh, and a speed estimation for a more fine tuned version of Pygame on GP2X would be nice.

And while I'm asking, would it be possible to release commercial DRM protected games using Pygame, like what GPH is planning to sell on their site?
Pygame is higher level than SDL, though it uses SDL for all the hard work. Its pretty cool, like I made a connect 4 game in under an hour. Adding music and sound is dead easy.

I really hope this lets aspiring programmers get over the whole toolchain business and get down to making some cool games :)
Pygame is higher level than SDL, though it uses SDL for all the hard work. Its pretty cool, like I made a connect 4 game in under an hour. Adding music and sound is dead easy.

I really hope this lets aspiring programmers get over the whole toolchain business and get down to making some cool games :)

Maybe this would be a good thing to port to the GP32 as well? Just an idea.
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Probably, but without linux on the gp32, it makes porting it a lot more complicated
"Pygame is a set of Python modules designed for writing games. It is written on top of the excellent SDL library. This allows you to create fully featured games and multimedia programs in the python language. Pygame is highly portable and runs on nearly every platform and operating system."

it's for creating games :)
So has anyone actually tried running any existing PyGame-based software using this? Monsterz is a fun game build using PyGame...

I'm curious to see how well this performs... seems to me like all the extra layers of abstraction would slow things down a lot, but I hope that isn't the case.

First beta of python and pygame for the GP2X console.


Awesome! Glad someone did this. I have done some pygame programming and sometimes it's just more fun than doing straight C/SDL. This will allow more folks to code for the gp2x hopefully. Python is an excellent language.

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I can't seem to get this working. Are the SDL libs linked statically, or do I need to install them on my card to get this up and working?

thanks much.