Pyra, low specs and high price. Dead before it even releases.

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Apr 7, 2012
The Galaxy S6 is already here. It's roughly the same price the Pyra will be, but it's significantly stronger.

1440P vs 720P screen, 3GB DDR4 RAM vs 2GB RAM, A57 and A53 dual quad core CPUs vs dual A15 quad core CPUS, etc, etc.

And there are controller attachments out there to give phones real game controls.

Plus the Galaxy S6 at $600-$700 is roughly the same price as what the Pyra is estimated to be.

Overall, the Pyra will just be dead upon release unless it gets serious spec upgrades. I was hyped when I heard that the Pandora was getting a successor, but it just seems like it'll be a major disappointment.
For one,  just buy a Galaxy S6 if you can't see the value outside of system specs.

The actual amount of RAM hasn't been decided yet, it could have more. The a15 isn't like a 32bit x86 processor, it's not limited to just addressing 3GB of ram.  But honestly for most use cases when using native Linux it doesn't need more than 1GB let alone 2GB, it's not bloated like Android.

I'm pretty sure there will be no issues selling the planed amount of units. Plus it has a moduler CPU design, so future upgrades to the processor eliminates it being obsolete as you can just swap out the current SoC for a future SoC. Also newer LCDs could be put in at a later time. 

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This must be a joke?

Samsung Galaxy S6 is mainly targeting the smartphone market.

Pyra is in a different market and target audience...a niche one if that.

End of story.
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Look at how long the Pandora has lasted, for having the approximate specs of an iPhone 4. This community is home to some very unique and groundbreaking projects. glshim. Uplink. Minecraft. DraStic. Starcraft. Everything by MH-T. We've reached an insane level of porting, which even includes many closed-source titles these days.

It's only going to get better with the Pyra. I have quite a few cool projects in my dev pipeline that are a bit too slow on the Pandora, but will likely land in the early days of the Pyra.

This is an open platform, and it's meant to last. How old is your current phone? I can't really speak to the screen's upgradeability, but consider we can design new CPU boards and upgrade the CPU/GPU/RAM on existing Pyras at any point in the future without needing to design an entirely new device.

1440p screen is a *ton* of pixels for a mobile GPU to drive, and it's mostly pixel doubled anyway. 1440 / 2 = 720p, so text and some graphics will be a little less crisp, but it's effectively the same usable area with far better performance.
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Of course it will be dead before it releases.  It's not organic.  It is however, the un-dead, immortal, capable of functioning , yet with no pulse.  It is the Pyra, and you should fear it
Well until Nikolaus works out an organic CPU module using mouse brains or something. 
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For one,  just buy a Galaxy S6 if you can't see the value outside of system specs.
Already did :)

1440P is a lot for a mobile screen, and that's a good thing. As for performance, with 1440P being double of 720P, you could easy just render it at 720P and upscale.

It being upgradable does not excuse poor specs at launch. By the time you release a Pandora 3, stuff like 4K screens and 8GB RAM would probably be standard in $600 phones.

And Android is pretty open (unlike iOS) and can be rooted and there's no lockdown on what apps you can run.
As for the argument of:

"Well we don't need X specs because Y specs is good enough"

It's still going to be roughly the same price or more expensive than signigicantly stronger phones.

And Target market doesn't matter. If I target a step stool at kids, short people can still buy and use it if it's superior to another step stool specifically targeted to short people.
Already did
Then why are you here? You are here to troll the forum, so congrats you got a reaction.
I for one see no value in smart phones, they're a lousy phone, they're poor as a game device, they're poor for productivity. No amount of system specs will make a smart phone better than the Pandora let alone the Pyra.

This is a small time niche project ran by one person and a few experts. It's not being produced by Samsung or Apple, there are limitations to the parts that can be sourced in smaller amounts. If you wish to give EvilDragon several million euros to source better parts in quantities that some of the part manufactures require for minimum orders, then we may be able to get the better specs you are looking for.
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Except that the pyra isn't actually a phone, and is not being marketed as a phone.  (even if it may turn out to be used as one by some)

The target market does matter because the target market isn't served by the Galaxy S6.  It lacks (amongst other things) a keyboard, any kind of SD storage, and gaming controls which makes it completely unsuitable for the niche market the Pyra is targeting.

- Neelix
If the pixel density gets so high you can't even perceive the individual pixels, that is when the screen is best, and going further would be pointless.

I'm not sure if 1440P on a 5" inch screen is at that point yet, but 720P definitely is not, and more than 4K would most likely be the end for small screens until we get bionic eye upgrades.

I also recall a Citra thread on here, and you all shot it down. If the Pyra had specs that can compete it just might be able to emulate 3DS, and a 720P display just isn't good enough for emulating the 3DS, especially if you want to up the internal resolution.
Wats your Ordernumber???

Also you need to buy a proper Android Office Packet and a Bluetooth Keyboard if you wants to make Office Work on the Galaxy, and you have to buy a Notebook because you cant easely Print from the Galaxy..

Galaxy: Telefon and Survdevice , only whit Touchscreen and Producet in China

Pyra: Mini Linux PC, Gaming Handheld, whit Touchscreen, Keyboard, Proper Gaming Buttons they also can used for non gaming purpos, USB, etc and will be made in Germany and Greece, whit 8,50€ "Stundenlohn"

Look at the Pandora, it also wasnt that cheap, but it found his fanbase..
Is this a 10 day late April Fools joke?  If so, great April Fools joke!  If not...

I'm just going to say 10 day late April Fools joke. 

-Glyph Reader
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and a 720P display just isn't good enough for emulating the 3DS,
how do you figure?, the main 3DS screen is only 400x240, the other is 320x240. Like with Drastic, screens can scaled or one of the screen can be made full screen on a hit of a button.

Citra is a sluggish mess right now, Exophase who wrote Drastic was hesitant to make a 3DS emulator as it's still an active console.
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I'm not sure if 1440P on a 5" inch screen is at that point yet, but 720P definitely is not, and more than 4K would most likely be the end for small screens until we get bionic eye upgrades.


You can render crisper text/graphics (though usually with the same amount of content on the screen - in current products, high DPI screens are almost entirely aesthetic and usually have little to no functional purpose)


Much worse performance on the same hardware (if you upscale from 720p, you're pushing 4x the pixels and that's really expensive for memory bandwidth. also, if you upscale most of your content from 720 there's virtually no benefit from running a higher resolution screen)

Costs more

More power consumption

Harder to source

High density screens are more of an experimental technology, and several of the high DPI panels available suffer from chromatic aberration and image burn-in

It's not so clear cut as "more is better".
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Overall, the Pyra will just be dead upon release unless it gets serious spec upgrades. I was hyped when I heard that the Pandora was getting a successor, but it just seems like it'll be a major disappointment.
LOL it's been a long time we did not get a good troll.  

I'm not sure if 1440P on a 5" inch screen is at that point yet, but 720P definitely is not, and more than 4K would most likely be the end for small screens until we get bionic eye upgrades.
LOL 720 p on 5'' is way higher than 1080p on a PC monitor and I havent heard of any PC person complaining about having too big pixels on their monitors.  
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