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Still Fresh
Apr 4, 2006
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:D I love the PSX and if anyone knows where to donate
! i will donate 2wards the develop ment if it is possible.

I'm very impressed with the 1st psx emulator shame it doesnt play well just wish there was one that did :P
mate... i apreciate the fact that you say *not very good* which at the moment could be called for slowness for things, but the gp2x runs on a 2d graphics card if im right so its handling some pretty complex stuff! but im sure (who knows when) the emulator will of improoved enough to play games full speed :)
SONY posted on Apr 5 2006 at 11:54 AM said:
I'll only get the official one from SONY via SONY PSP.

Well I dont.
can not see a reason for me to buy a psp, when i have a NDS and a gp2x

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SONY posted on Apr 5 2006 at 04:54 AM said:
I'll only get the official one from SONY via SONY PSP.
wow, you're not very smart. sony hasn't made a ps1 emulator, and they probably never will. and your sig, avatar and name all reek of sony fanboy, so fuck you, you slimey bastard
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Why do you always capitalise SONY? Seems stupid to me. It doesn't stand for anything, as far as I know, and it just seems like you're trying to emphasise the Sony aspect of everything.
Jeez - that was hardly neccessary! SONY has been on these boards a hell of a lot longer than you and as far as I know he makes no secret of being a PSP fan. It's also pretty common knowledge that Sony are planning PS1 support on the PSP...

[edit: that's not directed at you, nickspoon]
I realised.

I'm doubtful that Sony will make a PS1 emulator. I expect they'll just adapt PS1 games to run on PSP hardware. I may be wrong, but details are hazy at the moment, so we'll just wait and see.
If Sony does make an official PS1 emulator for the PSP you can be damn sure that it won’t allow you to just rip your own PS1 games and play them. If anything does become of it, I would expect it to be a pay to download service where you would get old PS1 games in some kind of DRM encumbered crap-o-lishous format. That would be the entire “real” point of DRM, getting you to pay for the same old content over and over again. From a marketing point of view, Sony would never release a product that would require doing something as “difficult” (for an idiot) as ripping an ISO.
It would be a marketing disaster, unless the price for these old games is around 1$ or so.

And what do you have against DRM? The tech itself isn't bad, the implementation might be.
Jarska333 posted on Apr 5 2006 at 05:30 PM said:
And what do you have against DRM? The tech itself isn't bad, the implementation might be.
It is designed to take away freedom from the user, so it is bad by definition.
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DRM is restricting your personal use of what you own.

"OK, you've bought this house, but you can only have one bed, one table and two chairs in it. Oh, and you can't plant flowers in the garden. Nor can you maintain the flowers that are already there. No DIY, either. And you can only open the door for the next week, after which you have to pay subscription charges to get out and come back in."

Saying DRM is only bad because of what you use it for is like saying nuclear warheads aren't bad unless you blow stuff up with them.
Way bad analogy. The way online music business is, I'd consider it renting, or leasing. You get the right to use the song, how extensive those rights are, depends on the seller. Renting a house could be a somewhat better analogy, not much... You can propably put paintings on the wall, flowers, all sorts or decoration, but you can't dig a hole from your second floor to the first, for one of those nifty poles they have on fire-stations. :)

And you know, if you buy a song, that only works for a week... Switch your shop. Again I say, DRM isn't inherently evil, but if the shop, or company uses it's... options to restrict use, then they are evil.

And any weapon is only as bad as it's user, from .22 pistol to the Tzar Bomb.
If you want to help the PSX emulator progress, donate money to Zottd. Look him up. I have already donated $30 and plan on donating more in the future. Help him out so that he can get more motivation. These programmers are really skilled and are doing us really big favors by working on these projects.
Hello everyone!
Thanks for the donation wipeout2000. :)
I've been working on GP2PSX, and there's some new people onboard, namely Chui. There might be someone else onboard in the near future as well that can help with assembly.

Unai is working on the GPU and things look promising. We've just been having a lack of free time.

Same old really but just wanted everyone to know I haven't dropped off the face of the Earth and that GP2PSX is being worked on and it is improving. :)
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