Psx>psp Game Save Trasnfer? Help!


It Is Your Birthday.
Aug 31, 2005
Argh. I've been playing Resident Evil 3 on my psp for a while now, and im about 70% complete. I try to enter a certain door which is necessary to move on, but the game freezes during the door opening sequence. I cant fucking believe this is happening. IIRC this is a similar issue that I had many years back when I tried playing the game on my PSX; memory card corruption. That led me to never completing the game, which is why I'm trying to finish it now. Except I cant.

Is there anything I can do? Some kid over at told me saves would transfer from dump to dump without problems, but the new download I have isnt detecting the old save. There must be something!

Please....someone help :(

If I have to start over again with another dump I don't think I'll have it in me to continue a 3rd time :( :(
hhmmm, I think CWCheat can read PSX Saves that can be used on the PSP, maybe try that.
You have to make sure the info for the dump you made and the new one agree (info being the game code thing (SLUSxxxxx or whatever), the game name, and the save name. If those all match, I think it should see your save file. I think you can use PSX2PSP to do this (might have to extract ISO and then reconvert it with the changes, but I'm not sure).
shinneri posted on Feb 6 2007 at 02:03 PM said:
You have to make sure the info for the dump you made and the new one agree (info being the game code thing (SLUSxxxxx or whatever), the game name, and the save name. If those all match, I think it should see your save file. I think you can use PSX2PSP to do this (might have to extract ISO and then reconvert it with the changes, but I'm not sure).
ah. Well I know that the old dump I've been using created a save folder that's SCUS....., and the new one that wont recognize the old save creates a save folder that's SLUS..... So they aren't the same.

Nice to know I'm actually getting somewhere now. Thanks for the info shinneri, I'll check it out when I get home. Same with the info you provided, steve-o.

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Some people over at maxconsole pointed me in the direction of that as well. Im getting some more detailed info about it.

At least im learning all about psp files and hacking. Nothing like experience :lol: